Broccoli raab and rapini are not synonymous, but when it comes to recipes they practically are.
Broccoli raab [rob] has long, thin rich-green stems (6-9 inches/18-23 cm long) topped with scattered clusters of broccoli-like florets. The flavor is nutty and both pungent and zesty.

Rapini [rah-PEE-nee] is similar to broccoli raab but with fewer florets and a flavor akin to mustard. Rapini is preferred for its mustard-like tops. (Both have leaves that look like turnip greens.)

How to choose broccoli raab and rapini
- Select stems that are upright and firm with leaves that are bright green.
- The florets should be tightly closed.

Broccoli raab and rapini serving suggestions
- Serve cooked broccoli raab and rapini pasta, rice, polenta, or potatoes.
How to simmer broccoli raab and rapini
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil, and lightly salt it.
- Place the stalks in the water and cook for 2 minutes.
- Add the florets and cook 2 to 5 minutes longer until all is bright green and tender.
How to steam broccoli raab and rapini
- Place the stalks in a steamer above 2 inches of salted water.
- Cover and cook for about 2 minutes.
- Add the florets and cook 2 to 5 minutes longer until all is bright green and tender.
How to sauté broccoli raab and rapini
- Trim off the bottom of the stems and cut them crosswise into 2-inch pieces. Reserve the florets for a few minutes.
- Drop the stems into boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes then remove with a slotted spoon.
- Sauté the stems and florets in a little olive oil and garlic to taste for 3 to 5 minutes until tender.
How to microwave broccoli raab and rapini
- Place the stalks on a microwave-proof plate with 2 tablespoons of salted water.
- Cover with plastic wrap.
- Microwave on high for 2 minutes.
- Add the florets and microwave on high for 2 minutes more until it is bright green and tender.
- If not cooked, microwave on high for 1-minute intervals until done.
Broccoli raab and rapini flavor partners
- Either is a good match for less assertive partners such as pasta, rice, polenta or potatoes. Italian cookbooks dating back to the fourteenth century included broccoli raab and rapini recipes.
More about broccoli raab and rapini
- For the record, here are some of the other names also used for these vegetables: raab, rapa, rabe, rapine, rappi, rappone, fall and spring raab, turnip broccoli, taitcat, Italian broccoli, broccoli rape, broccoletti di rape, broccoletto, broccoli di foglia, cime de rapa, rapa, broccoli de rabe, Italian turnip, and turnip broccoli.
- There is a related but milder green grown in China which is known as choy sum or Chinese broccoli or Chinese flowering cabbage.
Broccoli articles at Harvest to Table:
How to Plant and Grow Broccoli
How to Harvest and Store Broccoli
Broccoli Growing Problems: Troubleshooting
Seven Ways to Cook and Serve Broccoli
Four Ways to Cook and Serve Broccoli Raab
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Best Herbs for Container Growing
Garden Planning Books at Amazon:
- Vegetable Garden Almanac & Planner
- Kitchen Garden Grower’s Guide Vegetable Encyclopedia
- Vegetable Garden Grower’s Guide
- Tomato Grower’s Answer Book
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