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in Prepare, Recipes, Side Dishes
How to Prepare Spring Peas with No Recipe
Garden peas are both sweet and savory. They have a grassy sweetness with an undertone of umami. Cooking fresh-shelled peas can be difficult: you will want to eat them fresh out of the pod before you ever get near the stove. But if you do get to the stove, cooking shelled peas—and peas in the […] More
in Prepare, Recipes, Side Dishes
How to Cook Asparagus with No Recipe
Cooked asparagus has a subtle sweet grassy flavor. It is a perfect match to salty dairy ingredients such as butter, Parmesan cheese, and hollandaise sauce. Asparagus also is well matched to slightly sulfurous-tasting foods: eggs, shellfish, and garlic. There are three types of asparagus: green asparagus which can be both sweet and slightly tart flavored, […] More
How to Make Seasonal and Flavorful Potato Salad
Potato salad is a summer classic—but it’s also a spring and fall and winter classic. Some like it moist and creamy. Some like it dry and crumbly. Some like it dressed in egg-rich mayonnaise. Some like it dressed in oil and vinegar. Some like it with sweet relish and a dash of sugar. Some like […] More
in Prepare, Recipes, Side Dishes
How to Cook New Potatoes with No Recipe
New potatoes make for sweet, moist eating. You can serve them steamed, sautéed, boiled, baked, roasted, or grilled. They can be served tossed in butter or olive oil or as a dip with butter or sour cream or horseradish or served as a side dish with chicken, lamb, steaks or burgers, or grilled fish. New […] More
Watermelon Flavor Pairings to Complement Your Harvest Table
The sweet flavor of watermelon is well matched to herbal and sour flavors and to other sweet flavors. The key to matching watermelon to other foods is to find a taste complement or counterpoint. The way to do that is to taste, taste, taste! Once you find the watermelon flavor matches right for you, you’ll […] More
Melon en Surprise
Melon en Surprise was Auguste Escoffier’s title for a five line description of a tasty combination of melons and other fresh fruits in his 1903 masterpiece Le Guide Culinaire. Of course, Escoffier was working from the notes and techniques of Antoine Carême, an earlier codifier of French Haute cuisine. But as you will see here, […] More
How to Sun-Dry and Oven-Dry Tomatoes
Sun-dry tomatoes or oven-dry tomatoes to use for seasoning in salads, soups, stews, casseroles, mixed vegetables, and snacks. You can also rehydrate dried tomatoes for use in cooking. Dried tomatoes are fresh, ripe tomatoes that have been placed in the sun, in an oven, or in a food dryer to dry out the water content. […] More
Ways to Serve Daikon
Daikon is a long white radish sweet-mild to peppery in flavor and juicy crisp. Daikon–which means “long root” in Japanese–is most commonly eaten raw or stir-fried. It is a staple in nearly all meals in Japan, Korea, and China. Daikon is often shredded and served as an accompaniment to Japanese raw fish dishes, such as […] More
How to Freeze Ripe Tomatoes
Freeze the bounty of tomatoes you don’t eat fresh this summer for use in cooking next winter. How to freeze a tomato Freeze tomatoes whole or cut them into wedges. Wash and dry tomatoes for freezing and cut out any bad spots or bruises. Place whole or sliced tomatoes on a baking sheet and put […] More
Summer Garden Salad with Tarragon Dressing
Every vegetable in this salad should be available fresh and local from mid to late summer. This salad would be tasty alongside fresh trout, striped bass or salmon or tuna or swordfish (choose the body of water closest to where you live). The tarragon in this light dressing is a perfect match for both the […] More
in Main Courses, Prepare, Recipes
Vegetable Stew Made Simply
Here is an easy to make vegetable stew that you can cook up any time of the year. The combination of vegetables in this stew can vary with the season and harvest. Choose two or three vegetables from the longer-cooking list and two or three from the shorter cooking list. If you want to add […] More
Sliced Cabbage Salad Simply Made
Print Sliced Cabbage Salad Author Steve Albert Here’s an easy to make salad. All you need is thinly sliced green or red cabbage–or both. Instructions Toss the sliced cabbage with ½ teaspoon of salt and any of the following also thinly sliced–Chinese cabbage, celery, spinach, chard, turnip, carrot, parsnip, parsley, green onion, zucchini, cucumber, […] More