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Best Shrubs for Foundation Plantings
Foundation plantings are plants–commonly shrubs–planted along or near the foundation of a building intended to hide the barren stretch along the foot of a wall. Foundation plantings were once used to hide cellar windows; the need to mask walls has grown less as home builders have tended to lower house foundations. But the arrangement of […] More
in Cut Flowers, List
Cut Flower Basics
Cut flowers need proper care to prolong the length of time you can enjoy them. Here are a few suggestions: Tips for favorite cut flowers Favorite flower calendar Here is a birth month flower calendar: January, carnation; February, primrose; March violet; April, daisy or lily; June, rose; July, waterlily; August, poppy; September, dahlia; October, begonia; […] More
22 Flowering Perennials for Cutting
Perennials produce colorful flowers for cutting and display in the home. Perennials are plants that live more than two years, as distinguished from annuals and biennials. Perennials have been cut flower favorites for generations. In many old-time gardens, most of the plants were hardy perennials, such as phlox, peonies, delphinium, and bleeding heart. Because of […] More
20 Flowering Annuals for Cutting
Annual flowers from the garden can be cut for artistic arrangement and enjoyment in the home. Annuals grown from seed will flower in the time of one season or year. Annuals come to us from almost all parts of the world. Most are highly adaptable and will provide bloom and fragrance from early spring to […] More
in Bulb Flowers, Cut Flowers, List
11 Flowering Bulbs for Cutting
Bulbs are remarkably beautiful flowers and they are remarkably beautiful cut flowers. Bulbs flower in a wide range of colors, forms, and sizes. They can be grown indoors as well as out, and they are relatively easy to grow. As cut flowers they certainly rival annuals and perennials. Botanically speaking a bulb is an encased […] More
in List, Perenial Flowers
20 Perennials That Bloom for 6 to 8 Weeks
Perennials are often referred to as the “busy gardener’s favorites” because they make unnecessary the sowing of seeds or the setting out of transplants every year. A perennial is in the garden for at least two years and most for much longer. Perennials, especially in their flowering habit, offer the gardener many advantages. Added advantage: […] More
Shrubs with Showy Flowers Season-by-Season
Shrubs with showy flowers can bring color to your garden throughout the year. There are shrubs that flower every season. Considering their permanent character and importance to the structure of a garden, why not choose flowering shrubs to add color and interest to your garden. Shrubs can be used for carpeting the ground to clothing […] More
in Featured Lists, List, Shrubs
Six Late Winter, Early Spring Blooming Shrubs
Some shrubs like to get an early start on the season. Even though it is cold outside, and even snow on the ground, here are six shrubs that will start their bloom season in late winter (even as early as January). These shrubs will reliably bloom into early spring and some into late spring or […] More
in Houseplants, List, Tropicals
How to Grow Orchids
Most orchids are easy to grow. All you need to do is give them what they need. In a nutshell, orchids need suitable potting soil or medium, adequate light, a warm environment–about the temperature of your house, water, fertilizer, and fresh air. These needs are just about the same for all houseplants. There are about […] More
in Houseplants, List, Tropicals
12 Favorite Orchids to Grow Indoors
Orchids make beautiful and interesting houseplants. They are not as finicky or as difficult to grow as their reputation might suggest. After all, there are nearly 1,000 genera and more than 100,000 species of orchids to choose from and those that make their way into garden centers or supermarkets are there because they are, in […] More
in List
25 Plants for Arid and Desert Gardens
Desert and arid conditions are extreme: dry air, temperatures that can fluctuate between very hot and very cold (even in a 24 hour period), and months and months with little rain or moisture. Even so, many plants have adapted to these conditions and can be grown in desert and arid regions. Here are 25 plants […] More
in Cactus, Houseplants, List, Succulents
18 Cactus and Succulents to Grow as Houseplants
Cactus and succulents make excellent house plants. They adapt naturally to dry, warm temperatures (common indoors) and withstand poor care for days, even weeks at a time. They almost always arouse interest with their sculptural form and the variety of leaf sizes, shapes, and arrangements often combined with striking color patterns. Grown in attractive pots, […] More