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    How to Grow Blue-Eyed Mary – Omphalodes

    Omphalodes verna

    Omphalodes, also known as blue-eyed Mary, is a low-growing ground cover perennial that is relatively easy to grow. Omphalodes is also known as creeping forget-me-not and navel-wort. It is a low-maintenance plant that can add a splash of color to shady areas in the garden or in containers. Omphalodes has attractive foliage and delicate flowers. […] More

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    How to Grow Bugloss – Anchusa

    Anchusa–commonly called Bugloss–has vibrant blue flowers, the purest blue of any flower. Italian bugloss is related to forget-me-not (Myosotis) and looks very much the same. It is easy to grow and adds color to the garden. Anchusa is also known as Alkanet, Bugloss, and Summer-forget-me-not. Anchusa genus includes easy-to-grow perennial and biennial plants. They are […] More

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    How to Grow Edelweiss – Leontopodium


    Leontopodium, commonly known as edelweiss, is a low-growing alpine plant native to mountain regions of Europe and Asia. These plants are known for their distinctive white, star-shaped flowers that have a woolly or fuzzy appearance. Leontopodium is a delicate perennial plant that usully survives just a year or two. Leontopodum belong to the sunflower family, […] More

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    How to Grow Globe Amaranth — Gomphrena

    Gomphrena–commonly called globe amaranth–is grown for its bright-colored upright spikes of clover-like flowerheads. The flowers are composed of dense clusters of stiff, papery bracts. Flower colors include shrimp, orange, rose, magenta, and purple. Gomphrena blooms from summer to frost. It is a showy addition to sunny flower borders and rock gardens. It’s also a traditional […] More

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    How to Grow Hesperis – Sweet Rocket

    Hesperis matronalis

    Hesperis, also known as sweet rocket or dame’s rocket or dame’s violet, is a beautiful, low-maintance flowering perennial that is relatively easy to grow. Hesperis adds beautiful color and fragrance to the garden. Hesperis plants typically grow to about 2 to 3 feet tall and produce clusters of delicate, four-petaled flowers in shades of purple, […] More

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    How to Grow Jacob’s-Rod – Asphodeline

    Asphodeline lutea

    Asphodeline is a genus of perennials and biennials with long, slender leaves and tall flower spikes that bear tubular flowers in various shades of white, pink, or purple. Aspholdeline is commonly known as Jacob’s rod or simply asphodels. There are about 20 speices of Asphodeline. All are known for their striking appearance. They are often […] More