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in Cactus
How to Grow Cereus — Queen of the Night
Cereus (or Selenicereus)–commonly called Queen of the Night–are climbing cacti known for their large white night blossoms. Cereus has vine-like, spineless stems and produces super size flowers 12 inches long and 8 inches wide. The blossoms open after midnight and are usually limp and faded the following morning. You may find Cereus under the name […] More
in Cactus, Houseplants
How to Grow Christmas Cactus — Schlumbergera
Schlumbergera–commonly known as Christmas cactus– is a popular holiday houseplant that features flat, sectioned branches that cascade down, and when in flower, terminate in tubular-shaped blooms in shades of pink, lavender, or white. Plants bought near Christmas have typically been “primed’ to flower then, hence the common name. Schlumbergera benefits from bright, indirect light, and […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Optunia – Prickly Pear
Opuntia is a cactus genus with three distinct groups based on growth form: the prickly pears that have flat-jointed pads, one growing out of the other; the tall cylindrical-jointed chollas; and the dwarf species with globular or cylindrical stems. Most Optunia species grow rapidly and are free-flowering with blooms of yellow, white, orange, purple, or […] More
in Cactus, Houseplants, List, Succulents
18 Cactus and Succulents to Grow as Houseplants
Cactus and succulents make excellent house plants. They adapt naturally to dry, warm temperatures (common indoors) and withstand poor care for days, even weeks at a time. They almost always arouse interest with their sculptural form and the variety of leaf sizes, shapes, and arrangements often combined with striking color patterns. Grown in attractive pots, […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Ferocactus – Barrel Cactus
Ferocactus–commonly called barrel cactus–is a genus of more than 30 species of cacti that are generally spherical when young, and later becomes columnar and grow to 13 feet (4m) tall. Ferocactus are noted for its colored spines which may be hooked or straight. Ferocactus bears flowers at the crown of the plant. Flowers can be […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Rhipsalis – Coral Cactus
Rhipsalis is an epiphytic cactus with thin, crisscrossing stems that weave in and out of each other. Rhipsalis’ unique branching habit gives it the nickname coral cactus; the weaving undulating pattern looks much like coral. Because Rhipsalis is an epiphyte that commonly grows and hangs in trees, it is also sometimes called mistletoe cactus. Rhipsalis […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Coryphantha Cactus
Coryphantha is a pincushion cactus that resembles Mammillarias, perhaps the best-known pincushion cacti. Unlike Mammillaria, however, Coryphantha is globular or cylindrical in form. Coryphantha grows to 12 inches (30 cm) tall and 4 inches (10 cm) thick. Coryphantha cluster in mounds and often become columnar with age. Coryphantha are free-flowering. They produce large, showy flowers […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Mammillaria – Pincushion Cactus
Mammillaria–commonly called pincushion cactus–is a very large genus of cacti. There are many shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are solitary plants, some are clustering groups. Some have soft bristles, some have thorny hooks. Some are crowned with a few single flowers, some are adorned with a circle of flowers. Most Mammillaria are small, globular, or […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Discocactus – Melon Cactus
Discocactus is a barrel-shaped cactus that grows no taller than 6 inches high. It has a wide and round body with many ribs and thick spines. Discocactus bears large whitish, funnel-shaped flowers that open at night. Discocactus are demanding and difficult to grow. They want an airy and warm bright location. The soil must be […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Melocactus – Melon Cactus
Melocactus–commonly called melon cactus or turk’s cap cactus–are heavily ribbed and heavily spined cactus that have globular or longish bodies. Melocactus form, bristly, felty cephalium (similar to a wool cap) which stands more than 3 feet taller than the body of the cactus. Cephalium is a colorful structure of colorful wool and bristles at the growing […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Aporocactus – Rat’s Tail Cactus
Aporocactus is a spiny long-stemmed, tailing cactus with leafless green stems. This creeping, slender cactus is nicknamed rat’s tails. Aprocactus is sometimes called a climbing cactus but it might better be described as a hanging or trailing plant. These spiny plants have aerial roots. The stems dangle or cascade down to 3 feet (1m) or […] More
in Cactus
How to Grow Hylocereus – Climbing Cactus
Hylocereus is a tropical climbing cactus with brilliant flowers. Hylocereus is weak stemmed; their aerial roots need trees, fence posts, trellises, or other objects to cling to. Hylocereus is hardy to just 50℉ (10℃). Hylocereus must be protected from cool breezes and cold. They thrive in warm areas in partial shade. Hylocereus bear large, nocturnal […] More