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    How to Grow Bugloss – Anchusa

    Anchusa–commonly called Bugloss–has vibrant blue flowers, the purest blue of any flower. Italian bugloss is related to forget-me-not (Myosotis) and looks very much the same. It is easy to grow and adds color to the garden. Anchusa is also known as Alkanet, Bugloss, and Summer-forget-me-not. Anchusa genus includes easy-to-grow perennial and biennial plants. They are […] More

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    How to Grow Spider Flower — Cleome

    Cleome–commonly called spider flower–can add a tropical touch to flower beds and borders. This tall annual bears spiny stems of divided foliage and round clusters of small, spidery white, pink, or purple flowers with a light fragrance in summer. Cleome is a shrubby annual that grows quickly to 4 feet tall (1.2m) or taller and […] More

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    How to Grow Flowering Tobacco — Nicotiana

    Nicotiana, commonly called flowering tobacco, produces clusters of tubular-shaped, five-petaled flowers in green, white, cream, and several other colors. Flowers appear from summer to early fall and are long-blooming. Nicotiana is an upright perennial grown commonly grown as an annual. Most nicotianas have large, oval, mid-green leaves. Some cultivars are a foot and a half […] More

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    How to Grow Marigolds — Tagetes

    Tagetes–commonly called marigolds–bear yellow, orange, red, or mahogany flowers from summer to early fall. The marigold is a tender annual. African marigolds and French marigolds are commonly grown in summer gardens. African marigolds grow 2 to 4 feet (61-122cm) tall. French marigolds grow just 6 to 12 inches (15-30cm) tall. Marigolds flowers can be simple […] More

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    How to Care for Nasturtium — Tropaeolum

    Tropaeolum–commonly called nasturtium–are grown for their brightly colored, trumpet-shaped flowers. Nasturtiums are tender perennials commonly grown as summer annuals. Some nasturtiums are bushy, some are sprawling, and some are climbing. Nasturtiums add quick color to mixed borders, hanging baskets and containers, or trellises. Leaves vary from bright green to blue-green depending on the variety. Flower […] More

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    How to Grow Globe Amaranth — Gomphrena

    Gomphrena–commonly called globe amaranth–is grown for its bright-colored upright spikes of clover-like flowerheads. The flowers are composed of dense clusters of stiff, papery bracts. Flower colors include shrimp, orange, rose, magenta, and purple. Gomphrena blooms from summer to frost. It is a showy addition to sunny flower borders and rock gardens. It’s also a traditional […] More

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    How to Grow Pentas

    Pentas is a lush perennial that can grow as a shrub in tropical regions. Stems are topped by tight 4-inch (10cm) wide clusters of small, star-shaped flowers in white, pink, lilac, or red. One species, Pentas lanceolata, is often grown as a houseplant. Pentas leaves are oval to lance-shaped and mid-green. Flowers are salver-form with […] More