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in Tropicals
How to Grow Guzmania
Guzmania is a genus of evergreen, mostly tree-growing (epiphytic) perennial bromeliads with colorful floral bracts that can be yellow, orange, or bright red. The bracts and the small yellow flowers they surround are borne above lance-shaped leaves that form funnel-shaped rosettes. Guzmania can be grown outdoors in any region where temperatures do not fall below 59°F (15°C), […] More
in Tropicals
How to Grow Vriesea
Vriesea is a genus of rosette-forming, evergreen, mostly tree-dwelling (epiphytic) perennial bromeliads. Vriesea species have long, leathery leaves and oddly shaped flower clusters. Vriesea can be grown as epiphytes in pockets of sphagnum moss on tree branches or in pots of loose, highly organic mix. They must be misted daily if grown indoors. Vriesea is a […] More
How to Grow and Care for Kaffir-Lily — Clivia
Clivia–commonly called kaffir-lily–bears clusters of brilliant, trumpet-shaped blooms alongside glossy deep green, strappy leaves. Clivia is a showy member of the amaryllis family. Grow Clivia outdoors year-round in frost-free winter regions. In colder regions grow Clivia in pots that can be set outdoors in summer and taken indoors in winter. Clivia blooms from early winter […] More
How to Grow Wandering Jew — Tradescantia
Tradescantia is a genus of creeping, trailing, or tuft-forming tropical foliage plants. One species, Tradescantia fluminensis–commonly called wandering Jew–has handsome iridescent green and purple striped leaves. Another, T. andersoniana–known as spiderwort–looks like a small corn plant with numerous iris-like blossoms. Tradescantias are evergreen perennials in warm-winter regions, mostly short-lived. They are suitable for herbaceous borders […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow and Care for Iresine
Iresine, commonly called beefsteak plant or blood leaf, is an easy-care foliage houseplant. It is bushy when young but tends to trail as it matures. Iresine has purplish-red leaves with glowing pink midrib and veins; when backlit by bright light, Iresine will practically grow with fluorescent color. Where not hardy, grow Iresine as a tender […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow Chenille Plant — Acalypha
Acalypha–commonly called chenille plant–is adorned with pendulous fuzzy red tassels. Acalypha is perfect for hanging baskets. This plant loves bright light and will bloom several times a year in the right conditions. Keep Acalypha consistently moist, fertilize every six weeks, and pinch back after each period of bloom. There are purple and creamy-white varieties of […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow Bleeding Heart Vine — Clerodendrum
Clerodendrum–commonly called bleeding-heart vine–is a tropical vine that features brilliant red and white flowers. As a houseplant, it can be trained to a trellis or it can spill from a hanging basket. If the growing tips are nipped back, the bleeding heart vine can be trained as a small shrub. Clerodendrum can be trained on […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow Aeschynanthus –Lipstick Plant
Aeschynanthus is generally a carefree plant when given the right growing conditions. It has long drooping or trailing stems, shiny leaves, and dramatic tubular flowers. The main blooming season begins in summer but flowers may appear sporadically throughout the year. Aeschynanthus is commonly called lipstick plant, basket plant, or basket vine. Aeschynanthus stems grow from […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow Gloxinia – Sinningia
Gloxinia, Sinningia, is dotted with ruffled, cup-shaped blooms and velvety foliage similar to the African violet. This is a perky plant that brightens up kitchens or breakfast nooks with colors ranging from red and yellow to pink and Fuschia, even purple and white. Bright light, average household temperatures, and consistently moist soil keep gloxinia happy. […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow Peace Lily — Spathiphyllum
Spathiphyllum–commonly called Peace lily–is a graceful plant with shiny, green leaves and beautiful hooded white flower spikes. Spathiphyllum is generally problem-free and easy to grow. Spathiphyllum is a tropical perennial. It is often grown indoors. The leaves are glossy green and oblong. the flowers are white, fragrant, and tiny. Flowers bloom along a tail-like structure […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow Phalaenopsis — Moth Orchid
Phalaenopsis–commonly called Moth Orchid–is a genus of tree-dwelling (epiphytic) orchids with thick, broad, leathery leaves, and long sprays of white, cream, pale yellow, or light lavender-pink flowers. Flowers are 3 to 6 inches wide. Phalaenopsis require warmer growing conditions than most orchids, usually in the 70s and 80s Fahrenheit. They also prefer fairly high humidity. […] More
in Houseplants, Tropicals
How to Grow Columnea – Goldfish Plant
Columnea–often called goldfish plant–is a tropical trailing that produces tubular flowers in shades of brilliant red, orange, or yellow, or combinations of all three. It has branches that arch horizontally or distinctly weep. Columnea’s tubular flowers are its main attraction. Flowers range from 2 to 4 inches long, when the two-lipped flowers are fully open they […] More