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    How to Grow California Lilac – Ceanothus

    Ceanothus 'Concha'

    Ceanothus, also known as California lilac, is a beautiful shrub that can be grown in a variety of climates and settings. Ceanothus, commonly known as California lilac, is a genus of of about 50 species of evergreen and deciduous shrubs and small trees native to North America. They are known for their clusters of vibrant […] More

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    How to Grow Oleander – Nerium

    Oleander, Nerium

    Nerium oleander – commonly called oleander – is a flowering shrub with a dense, bushy habit native to the Mediterranean region, North Africa, and parts of Asia. It is a popular ornamental plant in warm-region gardens and landscapes due to its beautiful flowers and evergreen foliage. Oleander is well-suited for warm and dry climates. It […] More

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    How to Grow Chaste Tree – Vitex

    Chaste tree flower - Vitex agnus castus

    Vitex is a genus of about 250 mainly subtropical to temperate plants; the best known species are called chaste tree. Vitex are mostly evergreen plants, but some are deciduous when planted in cooler temperate regions. Vitex – chast tree is commonly grown for its sprays of tubular flowers usually lilac, but also blue, pink, or […] More

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    How to Grow Cotinus – Smoke Tree

    Cotinus smoke-like infloresence

    Cotinus — commonly known as smoke tree or smoke bush –gets its common name from 8-inch clusters of minute fluffy blossoms that rise above the plant from mid- to late summer. The dramatic blossoms resemble puff of smoke. Cotinus grows from 10 to 12 feet tall and nearly as wide. Old plants can grow to […] More

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    How to Grow Callicarpa — Beautyberry

    Callicarpa, beautybetty

    Callicarpa — commonly called beautyberry — is a graceful shrub with arching branches. Callicarpa bears small lilac or pink flowers in summer that are followed by tight clusters of small, round violet or purple fruits that remain on the plant for several weeks after leaves fall in autumn and winter. As the common name suggest, […] More

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    How to Grow Buddleia – Butterfly Bush

    Buddleia, butterfly bush

    Buddleia or Buddleja — commonly called butterfly bush — produces a great profusion of mostly long, colorful racemes in shades of lilac and purple mostly. Flowers appear in tapered sprays at branch tips. The blooms attract butterflies. They are also excllent cut flowers with a long vase lift. Buddleia is an evergreen, semi-evergreen, or deciduous […] More

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    How to Grow Carpenteria — Bush Anemone

    Carpenteria, commonly called bush anemone, is an evergreen shrub with handsome leathery glossy leaves and showy cup-shaped white flowers with yellow centers. Carpenteria flowers look much like anemone flowers. Carpenteria is very decorative. The older bark is light-colored and peeling; new shoots are purplish. The thick, narrow leaves are dark green above, whitish beneath. The […] More

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    How to Grow Abeliophyllum — White Forsythia

    Abeliophyllum–commonly called white forsythia– is a small deciduous shrub grown for its fragrant early-spring flowers. Abeliophyllum is not a true forsythia, but it blooms at the same time as forsythia in very early spring. Flower buds are less likely to be killed by late frosts than those of true forsythia. Abeliophyllum is an open, spreading […] More

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    How to Grow Prunus–Flowering Cherry and Plum

    Prunus is a genus of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs including ornamental flowering cherries and plums. Ornamental cherries and plums bloom in spring. They bear pink or white flowers 1 to 2 inches in diameter; the flowers are borne in clusters that mass along the stems or droop beneath them. The flowers can be […] More

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    How to Grow Syringa – Lilacs

    Syringa–commonly called Lilac–bears large conical clusters of highly fragrant purple, pink, and white flowers. Lilac is a deciduous shrub with mid-green heart-shaped leaves. Lilacs are mostly large hardy shrubs of easy cultivation, free-flowering, and very ornamental bloom. The flowers are born in large panicles, ranging in color from pure white to deep crimson, through many […] More

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    How to Grow and Care for Forsythia

    Forsythia is a colorful harbinger of spring. Clusters of yellow flowers bloom before the leaves emerge. Yellow flowers range from pale primrose to deep brass. Forsythias vary in size from shrubs that grow 1 foot tall to others that reach 8 to 10 feet (2.6-3m) tall. Forsythia has a fountain-like habit with arching branches. After […] More

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    How to Grow Chaenomeles – Flowering Quince

    The flowering quince, Chaenomeles, is a spreading deciduous shrub that bears clusters of showy flowers in late winter before leaves appear. Blossoms are cup-shaped with 5 petals and up to 60 stamens. Single or double flowers can be solitary or clustered. Flowering quince has spiny branches. Plants can be used as thorny hedges or barriers. […] More