Shrubs that can tolerate clay soil are one solution to growing plants in heavy, less than perfect soil.
Clay soils commonly have plenty of nutrients but problems from poor aeration and slow drainage. Clays soil particles are flat and dense, not ideal for plant growth. Such soils are described as heavy.
Limited aeration and slow drainage can suppress root growth causing plants to grow slow or stunted.
Amending the soil with organic matter—aged compost, aged manure, and commercial organic planting mix—can open-up clay soil. Spread a couple of inches of compost across your planting beds at least twice a year, no matter what kind of soil you have. Keep in mind that completely changing a clay soil’s texture can be a years’ long process.
Here follows a list of shrubs that can tolerate clay soil.
Shrubs that tolerate clay soil
A-E Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Buckthorn | Hippophae rhamnoides | 3-8 |
Cinquefoil | Potentilla | 2-7 |
Citrus | Citrus | 9-11 |
Cranberry-Bush Viburnum | Viburnum opulus | 3-8 |
Currant | Ribes sanguineum | 5-8 |
Devil’s Waling Stick | Aralia elata* | 5-9 |
Elderberry | Sambucus canadensis | 4-7 |
European Spindle Tree | Euonymous europaeus | 4-7 |

F-J Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Firethorn | Pyracantha | 6-9 |
Flowering quince | Chaenomeles | 5-9 |
Forsythia | Forsythia | 6-9 |
Guelder Rose | Viburnum opulus | 3-8 |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera spp. | 4-9 |
Japanese Aucuba | Aucuba japonica | 6-10 |
Japanese Barberry | Berberis thunbergii | 4-10 |

K-P Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Lilac | Syringa spp. | 3-7 |
Lily-Flowered Magnolia | Magnolia liliiflora | 6-9 |
Mahonia | Mahonia x media * | 4-8 |
Mock Orange | Philadelphus | 4-8 |
Mountain Laurel | Kalmia latifolia | 4-9 |
Parney Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster lacteus | 7-9 |
Privet | Ligustrum spp. | 5-9 |
Pussy Willow | Salix caprea* | 4-8 |

Q-R Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Red Chokeberry | Aronia arbutifolia* | 3-9 |
Red-Osier Dogwood | Cornus alba ‘Siberica’ * | 2-7 |
Rice Paper | Tetrapanax papyriferus | 7-10 |
Roses | Rosa rugosa | 4-9 |
Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus syriacus | 3-8 |

S-Z Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Serviceberry | Amelanchier | 3-8 |
Silk Tassel Tree | Garrya elliptica | 8-10 |
Smooth hydrangea | Hydrangea arborescens | 4-9 |
Summer-Sweet | Clethra alnifolia* | 5-9 |
Tag Alder | Alnus serrulata | 4-9 |
Weigela | Weigela | 4-8 |
Yew | Taxus spp. | 4-7 |
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