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    Nine Cucumber Serving and Cooking Tips

    Cucumber tomato salad

    There are many ways to eat cucumbers raw or cooked. Favorite cucumber recipes How to Make Cold, Tasty Cucumber Soup Sliced Cucumber Flavor Matches How to Make Dill Pickles for Beginners Canning Sweet Pickle Relish Why do cucumbers and warm weather mix so well? Cucumbers are more than 90 percent water. Their crunchy texture, sweet […] More

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    How to Grow Summer and Winter Squash

    Squash plant leaves flower fruit1

    Native Americans called it isquoutersquash. The British call it marrow. Squash is the American English term. Zucchini, summer squash, winter squash, and pumpkins grow best once the air temperature averages 65ºF (18ºC). That means squash can be sown in late spring just about everywhere, and if you live in a long-growing season region where the […] More

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    Eight Ways to Cook and Serve Summer Squash

    Stuffed zucchini baked

    Summer or tender squash can be sautéed, steamed, boiled, baked,  grilled, microwaved, or eaten raw. Use raw tender squash as an addition to crudités trays and salads The tender summer squashes–zucchini, Costata Romanesca, round and globe, scallop or pattypan, yellow crookneck, and yellow straightneck, and Zephyr–mature during the summer and can be claimed as baby […] More

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    Seven Ways to Cook and Serve Winter Squash

    Squash cooked Acorn1

    Winter squashes are the most plentiful from early autumn until late winter. Unlike the summer squashes, the winter squashes must be cooked before they are eaten. Add winter squash to soups, stews, couscous, and curries. Use winter squash to make pies, cakes, muffins, cookies, pudding, soufflés, and cream desserts. Choose a winter squash—such as the […] More

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    How to Plant and Grow Melons

    Melon muskmelon1

    Melons grow best when summers are hot, dry, and almost always sunny. The best-flavored melons will come from the hottest-growing regions. Both cloudy and rainy weather will slow and all but stop melon growth. Melons grow best when both the soil and air temperature are at least 70°F (21°C). You can sow seeds directly in […] More

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    How to Plant and Grow Watermelon

    Watermelons on tiles to ripen

    The watermelon is a tender, warm-weather annual. Watermelons along with muskmelons and cantaloupes are sometimes called summer melons. They thrive in hot weather. Watermelons are easy to grow. They need plenty of sun, nutrient-rich soil, and plenty of water. Get watermelon started in the home garden after all danger of frost has passed and your […] More

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    How to Plant and Grow Okra

    Okra plant and flower1

    Okra is a tender, heat-loving annual best grown in very warm climates. It is grown for the peculiar, mucilaginous taste of its immature pods, commonly called gumbo. Okra is primarily a tropical crop, but it can be grown where cucumbers or tomatoes are hardy. To produce the best, crop, however, it wants much summer heat […] More

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    Ways to Serve Avocado

    Avocado slices1

    Avocados have a rich buttery textured flesh with a slightly nutty flavor and can be eaten as a vegetable or a fruit. Avocadoes are usually eaten raw. They do not cook well. Favorite avocado recipe Avocados With Seafood Avocado flavor partners Avocados pair well with chiles, cilantro, crabmeat, grapefruit, lime, shrimp, tomato, tropical fruits, turn, […] More

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    How to Freeze Ripe Tomatoes

    Tomatoes frozen3

    Freeze the bounty of tomatoes you don’t eat fresh this summer for use in cooking next winter. How to freeze a tomato Freeze tomatoes whole or cut them into wedges. Wash and dry tomatoes for freezing and cut out any bad spots or bruises. Place whole or sliced tomatoes on a baking sheet and put […] More

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    Olive Oil Basics

    Olive crush

    Olive oil is made by gently crushing and pressing olives until the oil is separated from the fruit pulp. The flesh of a ripe olive is about half oil. When the skin of a just ripe olive is broken, the first oil to flow from the flesh is called “virgin”, “sublime” or “first expressed” oil. […] More

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    Ways to Prepare and Serve Olives

    Olive ripe on tree

    Olives are fruits. They are either cured for table consumption or pressed for cooking oil. Black olives are ripe. Green olives are not. Green olives have a salty, tart taste. Black olives have a smooth, mellow taste. Ways to serve olives Olive fruit is most often served as an appetizer or added to salads, meat, […] More