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    Home Garden Permaculture

    Home garden

    Permaculture is a sustainable agricultural and ecological design philosophy that focuses on working with nature to create self-sufficient, regenerative, and resilient ecosystems. It involves integrating plants, animals, and natural landscapes in ways that mimic natural systems to produce food and resources while minimizing waste, labor, and environmental impact. Home garden permaculture is a sustainable and […] More

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    Vegetable Garden Planning

    Garden bed planning1

    Experienced gardener or new gardener your gardening success will be greatly helped by planning the garden before you begin the growing season. The purpose of a garden plan is to make your work less and your returns more. A garden plan and a couple of supporting lists can guide you through this growing season and […] More

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    Companion Planting Basics in a Vegetable Garden

    Compaion planting in garden

    Companion planting is the practice of strategically growing different plants close to each other in the garden to benefit one or both plants. It involves pairing plants that have complementary characteristics, such as natural pest repellence, soil enrichment, or improved growth. The concept relies on the natural relationships between plants and how they interact with […] More

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    Small Vegetable Garden Space Savers

    Beans Growing on Strings1

    Space must be conserved in every possible way in a small vegetable garden. Here are five tips for getting the most out of a small garden: Vertical growing Garden vertically as much as you can. Use the up-and-down space in your garden and conserve your ground space. Use a single square foot of your garden […] More

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    Soil and Air Temperatures for Growing Vegetables

    Spring vegetable garden

    The most useful measure of the vegetable garden growing season is soil and air temperature averages. Warming soil temperatures activate root growth and the uptake of moisture and nutrients. Soil temperature is very closely affected by the air temperature. As days lengthen in spring and the air temperature warms toward summer, the soil temperature follows. […] More

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    Know Your Warm-Season Crops

    bell peppers in garden

    Success in growing many vegetable crops is driven by warm temperatures. Not surprisingly, warm-season vegetables grow best in warm weather. Here are the key temperatures you need to keep in mind to successfully grow warm-season vegetables: Tender and very tender vegetables Warm-season crops can be classified as tender and very tender. Tender vegetables can take […] More

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    Vegetable Garden Soil Guide

    spading fork in soil

    The soil in your garden was created over thousands of years through the disintegration and decomposition of rock and organic matter. Temperature and rainfall, the life and death of plants, animals and bacteria, and fungi, and the rocks that were there, to begin with: all contributed to the soil you find in your garden today. […] More

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    Ready Your Garden for Spring

    Planting Bed Preparation

    Spring is coming soon!  Here are some early spring tips for your garden. Warm Your Garden Before Planting Pre-warm cold soil before sowing or transplanting warm-weather crops into the garden. Black or clear plastic sheeting is a simple and inexpensive way to warm the soil and get a jump on the growing season. Continue reading>>> […] More

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    Kitchen Garden Location

    Kitchen garden harvest1

    A kitchen garden is—as its name suggests–a garden that is as close to the kitchen as it can be. A kitchen garden provides the cook ingredients that are fresh-picked and at their peak of ripeness—fruits, vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers. Plan to use the produce from your kitchen garden immediately, at the very next meal. […] More