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    Shrubs for Clay Soil

    Shrubs that can tolerate clay soil are one solution to growing plants in heavy, less than perfect soil. Clay soils commonly have plenty of nutrients but problems from poor aeration and slow drainage. Clays soil particles are flat and dense, not ideal for plant growth. Such soils are described as heavy. Limited aeration and slow […] More

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    Perennial Plants for Clay Soil

    Growing plants in clay soil can be a chore. Clay soil particles are small and flat; they pack so closely that water has trouble draining between them. Clay soil particles are so dense that plant roots have a hard time growing around or between them. Clayey soil is sticky and heavy when wet and hard […] More

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    How to Improve Clay Soil

    Clay soil1

    Clay soils are too wet or too dry, slow to drain, slow to warm in the spring, and slow to release nutrients to plant roots. The best way to improve clay soil is to add several inches of organic matter such as aged compost to planting beds regularly—at least twice a year–and work it into […] More