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    11 Flowering Bulbs for Cutting

    Bulbs are remarkably beautiful flowers and they are remarkably beautiful cut flowers. Bulbs flower in a wide range of colors, forms, and sizes. They can be grown indoors as well as out, and they are relatively easy to grow. As cut flowers they certainly rival annuals and perennials. Botanically speaking a bulb is an encased […] More

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    45 Plants that Provide Food for Songbirds 

    Songbirds look to many annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees as a natural source of food throughout the year. Nearly all plants that attract songbirds are equally attractive to humans for their colorful flowers, fruits, and leaves. A steady supply of seeds, nuts, and berries will bring a variety of birds to your yard. Set aside […] More

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    16 Drought-Tolerant Annuals

    There are many flowering annuals that don’t need much moisture to look great. They have adapted to environments with hot sunny conditions or prolonged dry spells. If drought or water restrictions are common where you live, choose plants that can get along without ample water. Grow drought-tolerant plants to make your garden less water-dependent. They […] More

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    Rabbit-Resistant Flowering Plants

    Rabbit-resistant plants are one solution to preventing rabbits from consuming the garden. Rabbits can be destructive garden pests, consuming flower, foliage, and tender shoots. When it comes to the garden, rabbits have nothing in their favor except their attractive appearance and engaging manner, and the fact that they seem to be nobody’s enemy. That said, […] More

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    20 Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds

    Hummingbirds are attracted to bright colored flowers, especially red and orange. The hummingbird’s primary diet is flower nectar. They can hover like bees in front of tubular or trumpet-shaped blossoms, probing with their long needle-like beaks to extract nectar. Hummingbirds are very territorial, so plant several patches of their favorite flowers if you want to […] More

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    50 Flowers That Attract Butterflies

    Butterflies can be attracted to the garden by growing nectar-rich plants. Butterflies attracted to gardens with masses of brightly colored flowers. Their favorites are purple, red, orange, and yellow. Butterflies prefer small fragrant flowers. They prefer nectar-filled tubular blossoms or flat blossoms that serve as landing pads. They rarely visit large showy flowers or trumpet-shaped […] More

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    20 Fragrant Annuals and Perennials

    Fragrant annuals and perennials bring delight to the garden. In planting fragrant annuals and perennials consider first the place and circumstance. Choose annuals and perennials that will grow in your climate, then consider whether the plant will thrive in the sun or shade in the spot you have in mind, then consider the flower color […] More