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    Tender Annual Flowers

    Annuals are plants that grow from seed, attain their mature growth, flower, and produce seed in one year or less; they then die having completed their life-cycle. Annuals can be divided into those that are hardy, meaning they can withstand a light frost, those that are half-hardy, meaning they can withstand cool temperatures but not […] More

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    How to Care for Annual Flowers

    Annuals are in the garden for one year or less. They grow from seed, reach full growth, flower, produce seed, and then die in a year or less. Care of annuals is concentrated but not difficult. Fast-growing annuals need four basic things: watering, fertilizing, and deadheading. These basics will almost always ensure blossoms and repeat […] More

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    Growing Annual Flowers for Summer Bloom

    Annual flowers grow from seed, reach full maturity, flower, and produce seed in one year or less—then they die. Many annuals seem to be perennials; they seem to live on form year to year, but in reality, they self-sow (that is they drop seed) that germinates and grows the next year. Annuals come to use […] More

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    Designing with Annual Flowers

    Annual flowers are a mainstay in the flower garden. They provide almost instant color in just about every season of the year. Annuals grow quickly to fill space where you need color. Annuals are available in every color. They are inexpensive so you can get a lot of color for your money. Annual flowers are […] More

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    Annual Flowers for Pots and Windowboxes

    Annual flowers

    Annuals with their consistent flower colors and uniform growth habit make an eye-catching feature for containers and window boxes. Most modern hybrid annuals are bred to provide reliable, long-lasting displays. When selecting annuals for pots and windowboxes, choose compact and intermediate-sized cultivars that need little training and support and that easily withstand breezes.  The choice […] More