Areca pam–botanical name Dypsis lutescens –is a graceful, feathery palm with clumps of slender, reedlike canes and arching, shiny, lance-shaped yellowish-green fronds.
Dypsis is a genus of about 20 species of single- or cluster-stemmed palms. Only one is grown as a houseplant, Dypsis lutescens, formerly Chrysalidocarpus lutescens.
Areca palm prefers full sun but will grow in shade. Indoors grow Areca palm in bright light. Areca palm is a bit temperamental and can take some time to acclimatize to indoor growing.
Botanical name change
Chrysalidocarpus is an older botanical genus name that was previously used for certain palm species, including the Areca Palm. The plant commonly known as the Areca Palm was once classified as Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, but the name has since been updated to Dypsis lutescens as part of taxonomic reclassification.
This reclassification aligns with advances in botanical science, particularly DNA analysis, which revealed closer relationships among species within the genus Dypsis, native to Madagascar. Despite the change, older references and some nursery labels may still use the name Chrysalidocarpus.
Get to know Areca Palm
- Plant type: Palm
- Growing zones and range: Zones 14 and 15
- Hardiness: Tender
- Optimal growing temperature: day, 70° to 80°F (21° to 27°C), night 58° to 65°F (14° to 18°C).
- Height and width: 5 feet (1.5 m) in height indoors; outdoors in tropical regions, 28 feet (9m) takk and 20 feet (6m) wide.
- Foliage: Graceful feathery palm with clumps of slender, reedlike canes that bear arching, shiny, strap-shaped green fronds.
- Flowers: Small 3-petal flowers are borne on panicles
- Bloom time: Summer
- Uses: Houseplant, grow as a specimen tree in tropical regions
- Common name: Areca plam, cane palm, yellow palm
- Botanical name: Chrysalidocarpus
- Family name: Arecaceae
- Origin: Madagascar
Where to plant Areca Palm
- Light indoors: Bright light, no direct sun, from eastern or western exposure. Give areca palm bright light.
- Light outdoors: Sun or partial shade
- Soil indoors: All-purpose mix, with good drainage. Use an all-purpose soil mix for repotting.
- Soil outdoors: Humus-rich, well-drained soil.

When to plant Areca Palm
- Set Chrysalidocarpus outdoors any time of the year in tropical and subtropical regions.
Planting and spacing Areca Palm
- Space Chrysalidocarpus 20 feet (6m) apart outdoors.
How to water and feed Areca Palm
- Water: Keep soil evenly moist, not soggy. Mist daily, twice in warm weather. Humidity, 45% to 60%.
- Feeding: Every 2 weeks during growing season, with mild liquid fertilizer. Fertilize regularly during spring and summer.
Areca Palm care
- Chrysalidocarpus rests during winter. Keep soil barely moist; withhold fertilizer.
Growing Areca Palm as a houseplant
- Give Chrysalidocarpus bright light, warm room temperature, and medium humidity.
- Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy; wet, cold soil can cause leaves to turn yellow.
- Fertilize regularly during spring and summer.
Areca Palm pests and diseases
- Check for mealybugs, spider mites, scale. Avoid drafts. Areca palm is subject to damage by aphids, whiteflies and salt buildup.
- Areca palm is subject to damage by aphids, whiteflies and salt buildup.
Areca Palm propagation
- Propagate from offsets. Area palm grows slowly, about 6 inches a year, and needs repotting only when it outgrows its pot. It can become pot bound without adverse effects. Use an all-purpose soil mix for repotting. By division or seeds.
Areca Palm varieties to grow
- Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, areca palm, yellow palm: Only species of palm in this genus grown indoors.grows to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall with light green, arching fronds to 4 feet in length; fronds are yellow-green; only species grown as a houseplant .