Groundcovers that can survive in hot, sunny spots are especially useful. Few plants can thrive in hot, sunny conditions. Groundcovers for hot, sunny areas are practical plants that can solve a common landscape problem.
Plants that are native to the Mediterranean are well-adapted to growing and thriving in hot, sunny, and often dry soil. Many of the groundcovers listed here can survive in extreme heat, drought, and poor soil.
Perhaps the most important factor in establishing a ground cover in a hot and dry spot is soil preparation. While groundcovers to grow in hot, sunny spots will thrive once established, it is important to set these plants in planting holes rich in organic matter that can hold moisture while roots become established.
When planting groundcovers dig to a depth of at least 8 inches (20cm) and remove all stones and debris, Then mix in aged compost or commercial organic planting mix and moisten the soil. Set new groundcover plants in place on a cool or cloudy day when possible. Most of the groundcover plants listed here will become established in 8 to 12 weeks.

Groundcovers for Hot, Sunny Areas
Common Name | Botanical Name | Zones |
Artemisia | Artemisia stelleriana | 3-9 |
Basket-of-gold | Aurinia saxatilis | 4-8 |
Bath’s pink | Dianthus gratianopolitanus ‘Bath’s Pink’ | 4-9 |
Bearberry cotoneaster | Cotoneaster dammeri | 5-9 |
Blue star | Amsonia tabermaemontana | 3-9 |
Bog rosemary | Andromeda polifolia | 2-6 |
Catmint | Nepeta x faassenii | 4-8 |
Dwarf blue fescue | Festuca glauca | 4-9 |
Evergreen candytuft | Iberis semperevirens | 4-8 |

Common Name | Botanical Name | Zones |
Germander | Teucrium prostratum | 4-9 |
Ice plant, hardy | Delosperma nubigenum | 6-9 |
Hens and chicks | Sempervivum tectorum | 4-10 |
Junipers, low types | Juniperus spp. | Varies |
Lily turf | Liriope muscari | 7-10 |
Mountain sandwort | Arenaria montana | 3-6 |
Phlox, moss | Phlox subulata | 2-9 |
Prostrate Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Irene’ | 7-10 |
Rock rose | Helianthemum nummularium | 5-8 |

Common Name | Botanical Name | Zones |
Spring cinquefoil | Potentilla neumannii | 4-8 |
Sea thrift | Armeria maritima | 3-8 |
Sedum, dragon’s blood | Sedum spurium ‘Dragon’s Blood’ | 3-8 |
Stonecrop | Sedum spectabile | 3-10 |
Thyme, creeping types | Thymus spp. | 5-9 |
Veronica, low types | Veronica spp. | Varies |
Wall rockcress | Arabis caucasica | 3-7 |
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