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    How to Grow Globe Amaranth — Gomphrena

    Gomphrena–commonly called globe amaranth–is grown for its bright-colored upright spikes of clover-like flowerheads. The flowers are composed of dense clusters of stiff, papery bracts. Flower colors include shrimp, orange, rose, magenta, and purple. Gomphrena blooms from summer to frost. It is a showy addition to sunny flower borders and rock gardens. It’s also a traditional […] More

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    How to Grow Pentas

    Pentas is a lush perennial that can grow as a shrub in tropical regions. Stems are topped by tight 4-inch (10cm) wide clusters of small, star-shaped flowers in white, pink, lilac, or red. One species, Pentas lanceolata, is often grown as a houseplant. Pentas leaves are oval to lance-shaped and mid-green. Flowers are salver-form with […] More

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    How to Grow African Daisy — Dimorphotheca

    Dimorphotheca is a shrubby tender perennial that bears solitary, daisylike flowers carried atop leafless stems from midsummer to fall. Dimorphotheca is commonly known as African daisy or Cape marigold. It is closely related to Osteospermum, another genus of plants also known as the African daisy. Taxonomists once classified Osteospermum as Dimorphotheca. Dimorphotheca is free-flowering and […] More

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    How to Grow Butterfly Flower — Schizanthus

    Schizanthus is a tender annual that bears clusters of tubular, two-lipped orchidlike flowers in colors of pink, purple, white, and yellow, with bright yellow contrasts. The flowers of Schizanthus are often compared to various butterflies and orchids—thus the common names “butterfly flower’ and “poor man’s orchid”. Schizanthus grows best where summers are cool, where night […] More

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    How to Grow Gilia

    Gilia is a genus of about 25 annuals, biennials, and perennials. Gilia is native to western North America. Flowers can be tube, funnel, or bell-shaped borne singly or in loose clusters. Blooms are borne in shades of orange, red, and yellow, as well as cream and pink. Annual Gilia is most commonly planted in gardens. […] More

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    How to Grow Angel’s Trumpet — Datura

    Datura–often called angel’s trumpet– is an annual or short-lived perennial that bears stiking trumpet-shaped flower. Flowers are commonly white and up to 8 inches (20cm) long and nearly just as wide. Flowers appear in mid to late summer; they are followed by large spiny fruits which are poisonous. Datura’s fragrant flowers appear on trailing stems […] More

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    How to Grow Bedding Begonias

    Bedding begonias–also called wax begonias, fibrous begonias, or annual begonias–are colorful tender perennials commonly grown as annuals. One-inch pink, white, red, or bi-color blooms are either single or double. Flowers appear from spring through fall. There are many strains or cultivars of bedding begonias. Foliage is nearly as colorful as the blooms in some cultivars. […] More