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    How to Grow Lychnis

    Lychnis bears bright summer flowers often pink or red. Flowers are carried singly on branched stems or in small, rounded clusters. The Lychnis genus contains about 20 species of biennial and perennials. Lychnis coronaria is an old-fashioned favorite often planted in borders. Other species are suited for rock gardens and containers. Lychnis bears five-petaled flowers […] More

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    How to Grow Bellflower — Campanula

    Campanula–commonly called bellflower–are popular perennials and biennials covered with bell-shaped flowers. Varieties include small mounded plants and tall branched plants. There are nearly 300 species of bellflower. Campana is Latin for “bell.” Campanula flowers are usually bell-shaped but can also be a star, cup, or saucer-shaped. Each flower has five “petals” or lobes. Flowers are […] More

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    How to Grow Echium – Pride of Madeira

    Echium — commonly called Pride of Madeira — is a genus of showy perennials and biennials native to the Mediterranean. They bear panicles of bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, lavender, purple, rose, or white. Where not hardy Echium can be grown as annual. Echiums are colorful additions to annual, mixed, or herbaceous borders. They […] More