Tomatoes can come to harvest in early summer, mid-summer, or late summer depending on the variety. Early-summer harvest tomatoes are ready to be picked in 70 days or less after seedlings are planted. Mid-summer harvest tomato varieties come to harvest in 70 to 80 days after seedlings are planted. Late-summer harvest varieties come to harvest 80 or more days after seedlings are transplanted.
As a general rule, tomato seedlings are 4 to 6 weeks old at transplant-size time–that is about 30 to 40 days old. The number of days from seed sowing to transplant size is not counted in the number of days to harvest. When you see the number of days to harvest on a tomato plant label or listing, those are the number of days from transplant time to harvest (this is a long-time convention).
You can use the following lists to plan a succession of tomato harvests. If you plant one early-summer harvest variety, one mid-summer variety, and one late-summer variety at the same time, they will grow to maturity and come to harvest in succession–over a period of several weeks.
Early-summer harvest tomato varieties
Early-summer tomato varieties reach ripeness or maturity 70 days or less after the tomato seedling is transplanted into the garden. Early-summer tomatoes are also known as early-season tomatoes.
Early-summer or early-season tomatoes are often smaller and firmer than mid and late-season varieties which stay on the vine longer and are exposed to more hot weather.
Early-season tomatoes are the best choice for regions where the growing season is short or where the gardener wants to have more than one tomato harvest in a season. In cold regions, the early-season tomato may be the main crop for the season, but in warm regions, an early-season tomato can be planted early in spring or late in summer–as successions to the main-season tomato crop.
Here is a checklist of popular early-season tomato varieties: included in this list are the type of tomato, the color, size, and flavor; also listed are the average days to maturity, whether the tomato is determinate or indeterminate, and whether it is disease resistant.
Early-summer harvest tomato varieties list
- Angora (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red fruit, medium-sized to 2½ inches in diameter; mild-flavored. 68 days. Determinate. Resists cracking.
- Aztec (hybrid). Salad tomato. Bright red, plum type to 3 ounces. 68 days. Determinate. VFN.
- Beefmaster (hybrid). Red-skinned, deep oblate shape; flavorful. 60 days. Indeterminate. VFN.
- Bobcat (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, uniform shape to 10 ounces. 68 days. Determinate.
- Break O’Day (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Orange-red fruit, medium-large to 6 ounces; meaty flesh. 65 days. Indeterminate.
- Burpee’s Big Early (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Large, thick-walled fruit. 62 days. Indeterminate.
- Burgess Early Salad (hybrid). Salad Tomato. Red-skinned, produces as many as 300 fruits on a vine to 8 inches tall. 45 days. Determinate.
- Bush Beefsteak (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium-large to 8 ounces; meaty, 62 days. Determinate, compact. Good in northern regions.
- Bush Celebrity (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned with green shoulders to 9 ounces; excellent flavor. 67 days. Determinate.
- Bush Early Girl (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, large fruit to 7 ounces; good flavor. 54 days. Determinate, compact. VFFNT.
- CB-City Best (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, medium-sized fruit. 60 days. Determinate. VF. Good container grower.
- Cherrio (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Salad tomato. Bright red, small, round, full flavor. 55 days. Determinate, compact.
- Cherry Gold (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Yellow-orange skinned, flavored. 45 days. Determinate to 6 inches tall.
- Cherry Grande (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, uniform, round; good flavor. 65 days. Determinate. Disease resistant.
- Cherry Pink (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Pink-skinned, medium size; very sweet. 68 days. Determinate.
- Clear Pink Early (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, round, clear pink fruit; sweet and tangy. 58 days. Determinate. Russian heirloom.
- Cupid (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red, small, oval fruit in clusters of 16 fruits; sweet taste. 62 days. Indeterminate. F.
- Daybreak (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, globe-shaped to 10 ounces; sweet. 65 days. Determinate. Tolerate stress.
- Duchess (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, smooth to 6 ounces. 60 days. Determinate.
- Debut (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, large to 8½ ounces; very firm. 63 days. Determinate. VFF.
- Earliana (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright scarlet skin; green shoulders, medium sizes to 5 ounces; solid flesh, good flavor. 58 days. Indeterminate.
- Earlirouge (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium-sized to 7 ounces; sweet, flavorful. 65 days. Determinate, compact. Set fruit in extreme temperatures.
- Early Boy (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Scarlet-skinned, firm fleshed to 9 ounces. 65 days. Determinate.
- Early Cascade (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium-sized, globe to 8 ounces; excellent flavor. 55 days. Indeterminate. VFN.
- Early Cherry (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Bright red fruit, round to oval to 1 ounce; mild flavor. 56 days. Determinate, compact.
- Early Girl (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 6 ounces; flavorful. 52 days. Indeterminate. Disease resistant. Performs in nearly all climates.
- Early Hi-Crimson (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, large fruit to 3½ in diameter. 65 days. Semi-determinate.
- Early Pick (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Scarlet-skinned, medium size to 8 ounces or more; full flavored. 55 days. Determinate.
- Early Wonder (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Dark-pink skinned to 6 ounces; full flavored. 55 days. Determinate.
- Fireball (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red fruit to 5 ounces. 65 days. Determinate, compact. Resists cracking; protect this plant from sunscald.
- Fireworks (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright red, round with a pointed tip to 8 ounces; excellent flavor. 60 days. Determinate.
- First Lady (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 5 ounces. 66 days. Indeterminate. Disease and crack resistant.
- Florida Basket (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Red fruit, small, slightly elongated to 2 inches in diameter; excellent flavor. 55 days. Determinate.
- Florida Petite (open-pollinated). Deep red, round, good flavor. 50 days. Determinate to 9 inches tall.
- Gardener (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium size to 6 ounces. 63 days. Indeterminate. VF. Crack resistant.
- Gardener’s Delight (open-pollinated). Bright red, small, round to 1½ inches in diameter; sweet flavor. 68 days. Indeterminate. Produces until frost.
- Glacier (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red, small, round to 2½ inches in diameter to 3 ounces; sweet. 54 days. Determinate, very productive. Heirloom from Sweden.
- Gold Nugget (open-pollinated). Cherry tomato. Gold-skinned, round to oval fruit; balanced flavor. 56 days. Determinate.
- Golden Cherry (hybrid). Salad tomato. Golden, thin-skinned; very sweet. 65 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking.
- Golden Delight (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Yellow-orange skinned; globe-shaped to 4 ounces; rich flavor. 60 days. Determinate, compact. Developed at South Dakota State University.
- Golden Honey Bunch (hybrid). Salad tomato. Golden yellow, grape type in clusters of 11 fruits; sweet flavor. 60 days. Determinate. VFFT.
- Golden Roma (hybrid). Paste tomato. Golden-yellow, oval, firm, meaty flesh. Holds well on the plant. Determinate, compact. Heavy yield.
- Golden Sweet (hybrid). Salad tomato. Deep yellow, bite-size; mild, sweet flavor. 60 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking.
- Grande Rose (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Pink beefsteak with green shoulders, firm to 12 ounces. 68 days. Determinate. VFT.
- Gregori’s Altai (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Pink-red beefsteak to 12 ounces; sweet-acid flavor. 67 days. Indeterminate. Long season. From Siberia.
- Harbinger (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium-small, good flavor. Prone to cracking. 60 days. Indeterminate. Traditional English tomato from 1910.
- Hasty Boy (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, meaty, prolific. 60 days. Indeterminate. VF.
- Heartland (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 4 inches in diameter, 8 ounces. 68 days. Indeterminate dwarf, compact. V, F, N.
- Ida Gold (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright orange fruit to 2½ inches in diameter; flavorful. 55 days. Determinate. Developed for cold northern regions.
- Ildi (hybrid). Salad tomato. Yellow-skinned, small fruit on clusters of up to 50 fruits to ½ ounce. 65 days. Indeterminate.
- Imur Prior Beta (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, small to 4 ounces, firm, flavorful. 60 days. Indeterminate. Developed by Washington State University for short seasons.
- Jetfire (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned; large, firm fruit. 60 days. Determinate. VF.
- Jetsetter (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 8 ounces; rich flavor. 64 days. Indeterminate. VFFNTA. Performs well in the South.
- Juliet (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, meaty to 2 ounces, in clusters of 10 to 12; flavorful. 60 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking.
- Jung’s Improved Wayahead (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red skin, smooth, slightly flattened, full flavor. 63 days. Determinate. Long season production.
- La Roma (hybrid). Paste tomato. Red, uniform, medium-size to 4 ounces. Very prolific. 62 days. Determinate, compact. VFF.
- Legend (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, round fruit to 8 ounces; good flavor blending sugars and acids. 68 days. Indeterminate. Disease resistant.
- Lunch Box (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, egg-shaped, thin-skinned; sweet. 62 days. Determinate.
- MacPink (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Pink-skinned, round to 5 ounces; excellent flavor. 60 days. Determinate. Very productive.
- Manitoba (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 7 ounces. 60 days. Determinate.
- Marmande, Marmand VF (hybrid). Slicing size. Red skin, medium to large to 8 ounces; meaty, full flavor. 65 days. Semi-determinate. Sets fruit in cool conditions. Developed in France, popular in Europe.
- Matina (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 4 ounces; very good flavor. 58 days. Indeterminate. German heirloom.
- Matt’s Wild Cherry (open-pollinated). Deep red, round, small fruit; high sugar. 60 days. Indeterminate.
- Miracle Sweet (hybrid).Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, uniform fruit to 5 ounces; sweet flavor. 67 days. Indeterminate. VFFNT.
- Moira (open-pollinated). Bush beefsteak tomato. Red, uniform, round to 7 ounces. 66 days. Determinate, compact. Crack and blossom-end rot resistant.
- Moskvich (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Deep red skin, globe-shaped to 6 ounces. 60 days. Indeterminate. From Eastern Siberia.
- Mountain Spring (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Dark red, globe-shaped to 9 ounces. 68 days. Determinate, compact. VFF.
- Napoli (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Red, pear- to plum-shaped fruit; concentrated flavor. 63 days. Semi-determinate. VF.
- New Girl (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium size to 6 ounces; rich, full flavor. 62 days. Indeterminate.
- New Yorker (open-pollinated). Slicing size. Scarlet fruit, medium size to 6 ounces, meaty, fine flavor. 63 days. Determinate, compact. V. Good in cool, northern, short-season regions.
- Niagra Belle. Salad tomato. Dark red fruit to 1¾ inches in diameter. 68 days. Determinate, compact.
- Nova (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Red-skinned, early Roma-type. 65 days. Determinate. VF.
- Orange Blossom (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Orange, globe-shaped to 7 ounces; mild flavor. 60 days. Determinate.
- Orange Queen (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright orange fruit to 6 ounces; meaty, low acid, mild flavor. 65 days. Determinate. Good in northern regions.
- Oregon Spring (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Medium size to 8 ounces, excellent flavor. 58 days. Determinate. VF. Adapted to cool summer nights. Developed at Oregon State University.
- Patio Hybrid. Slicing tomato. Red, large fruit to 4 ounces for patio growing. 50 days. Determinate.
- Perfect Peel (hybrid). Processing tomato. Red, medium-size, juicy. For canning, freezing, or slicing. 65 days. Determinate. V1, F1.
- Peron, Peron Sprayless (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright scarlet fruit, medium large to 8 ounces; solid flesh, flavorful. 68 days. Indeterminate. Disease resistant. From South America.
- Pink Droplet (hybrid). Salad tomato. Pink-skinned, small, oval, very sweet. 60 days. Indeterminate vine. Stake. FVNT.
- Pixie, Burpee’s Pixie. Salad tomato. Scarlet fruit, globe-shaped; meaty, juicy, very flavorful. 55 days. Determinate, compact. Good for northern regions. Grows well in a container.
- Presto Hybrid (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, small fruits on the small vine to 2 feet tall. 60 days. Determinate. Grows well in containers.
- Prairie Fire (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 5 ounces; tangy full flavor. 55 days. Determinate. Sub Arctic-beefsteak cross.
- Quebec #13 (open-pollinated). Canning tomato. Red-skinned, firm to 6 ounces. 62 days. Determinate.
- Red Alert (hybrid). Red-skinned; flavorful. 55 days. Determinate.
- Red Grape (hybrid). Grape tomato. Red, oval, small fruit; firm, sweet. 60 days. Indeterminate. Crack free.
- Rocket, Red Rocket (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Medium red fruit to 3 ounces; slightly acid flavor. 50 days. Determinate, compact. Requires staking. Early producer in Canada.
- Salad Top (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, small fruit to 1 inch in diameter. 60 days. Determinate. Grows well in a container.
- Santiam (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Medium size to 5 ounces; slightly acidic, sweet, and juicy. 58 days. Determinate FV.
- Scotia (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Deep-red fruit, slightly green shoulders; medium size to 4 ounces; good flavor. 60 days. Determinate. Sets well in cool weather.
- Siberia (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Small to medium size to 4 ounces. 50 days. Determinate, compact. For cold, short-season regions, winter crops in the South.
- Siletz (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Deep red to 10 ounces; full flavored. 52 days. Determinate.
- Silver Fir Tree (open-pollinated). Red-skinned with a sliver sheen to 6 ounces; flavorful. 58 days. Determinate. Russian heirloom.
- Small Fry (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red, small, round, 1-inch in diameter, very flavorful. 65 days. Determinate, compact. VF. All-America Selection. Grow in a container.
- Spitfire (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Dark red, globe-shaped; excellent taste. 68 days. Determinate. VFF.
- Spring Giant (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned; thick-walled, small core, high yield. 65 days. Determinate. VFN. All-America Selection.
- Springset (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium size to 6 ounces. 65 days. Determinate.
- Starfire (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, globe-shaped to 3 inches in diameter; meaty, few seeds. 55 days. Determinate, compact. Adapted to cool, short seasons.
- Stupice (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, small to medium-sized to 4 ounces; sweet, juicy. 50 days. Dwarf determinate, compact. For short-season regions. From Czechoslovakia.
- Sub Arctic Cherry (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Red, small, round fruit to ½ inch in diameter; very productive. 43 days. Determinate, compact. Very cold tolerant.
- Sub Arctic Maxi (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Deep red fruit, round to 3 ounces. 52 days. Determinate, compact. Developed in Canada.
- Sub Arctic Plenty (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Small, round to 2 ounces; good flavor. 50 days. Determinate, compact. Sets fruit in cold weather.
- Sugar Lump, Jung’s Sugar Lump (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Deep red, round to 2 inches in diameter; very sweet. Indeterminate. Produces until frost.
- Sugary (hybrid). Grape tomato. Bright red grape-shape to ½ ounce in clusters to 20 fruits; very flavorful. 65 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking.
- Summerpink (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Pink, globe-shaped to 8 ounces; acid-sugar balance. 63 days.
- Sun Gold (hybrid). Cherry tomato. Bright orange-skinned; sweet flavor. 57 days. Indeterminate. TMVF.
- Sunchief (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Bright red, firm; improved Sunrise type. 67 days. Determinate. VFF.
- Sunshine (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, improved Sunstart; flavorful. 64 days. Determinate. VFF.
- Sunrise (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Bright red, flat globe shaped to 7 ounces. 67 days. Determinate, compact.
- Sunstart (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 7 ounces; firm and tasty. 65 days. Determinate.
- Sweet Chelsea (hybrid). Salad tomato. Small to 1.5 inches in diameter; thick, firm, resists cracking. 65 days. Determinate. Drought tolerant and disease resistant.
- Sweet Cluster (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned in clusters of 6 to 8, to 4 ounces; tart flavor. 60 days. Semi-determinate.
- Sweet Gold (hybrid). Salad tomato. Orange-skinned, firm, round; sweet. 60 days. Determinate. TMVF.
- Sweet Million (hybrid). Salad tomato. Deep red, small round; sweet flavor. 60 days. Indeterminate
- Sweet-N-Early (hybrid). Cherry tomato. Red-skinned to 4 ounces. 55 days. Indeterminate. VF.
- Sweet Orange (hybrid).Salad tomato. Orange-skinned, firm round, cherry fruit; very sweet. 60 days. Determinate. TMVF.
- Sweet 100 (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red, small, round, extremely sweet. 65 days. Indeterminate; best staked.
- Sweetie (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Bright red, round to 1½ inches in diameter; very sweet, flavorful. 65 days. Indeterminate. Best staked.
- Tami-G (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red, grape-shaped in clusters. 62 days. Indeterminate.
- Taxi (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright yellow, medium round; firm, meaty, sweet flavor. 64 days. Determinate, compact.
- The Juice (hybrid). Juicing tomato. Red, sweet juicer medium to large, round to 7 ounces. 65 days. Determinate, compact.
- Thessaloniki (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Uniform, globe-shaped fruit to 2 inches in diameter; juicy, mild flavor. 68 days. Indeterminate. Disease resistant.
- Tigerella, Mr. Stripey (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Reddish-orange, striped with golden yellow to 2 inches in diameter; very good flavor. 56 days. Indeterminate. Good disease resistance.
- Tiny Tim (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Scarlet red, small, round to 1 inch in diameter. 55 days. Determinate, compact. Grows well in containers.
- Tomboy (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Pink fruit, meaty to 4 inches in diameter. 66 days. Indeterminate. F.
- Toy Boy (hybrid). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, small fruit; grow 3 or 4 plants to a container. 68 days. Determinate. VF.
- Tumbler (hybrid). Patio tomato. Bright red, masses to 1¼ inch fruits; sweet flavor. 48 days. Determinate.
- Tumbling Tom. Cherry tomato. Bright red, trailing produces in clusters; good flavor. 65 days. Determinate.
- Ultra Girl (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned to 8 ounces. 56 days. Semi-determinate. VFN. Resists cracking.
- Ultra Pink (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Pink-skinned, similar to Ultra Sweet; firm, large fruit. 64 days. Determinate. VFT.
- Ultra Sweet (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Bright red skin, deep globe, firm to 10 ounces; balanced sugar and acids. 62 days. Determinate. VFT. Crack resistant.
- Ultrasonic (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, globe-shaped to 12 ounces. 65 days. Semi-determinate.
- Valiant (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Dark red, large, globe-shaped to 15 ounces’ good flavor. 67 days. Indeterminate. Set well in hot, dry climates.
- Whippersnapper (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Very early, dark-pink, oval to an inch in diameter; sweet and flavorful. 52 days. Determinate, compact.
- Yellow Bell (open-pollinated). Yellow paste tomato, plum shape; rich and sweet. 60 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom.
Midsummer tomato varieties
Mid-summer tomato varieties come to harvest in the middle of summer. Tomatoes that come to harvest in mid-summer are also known as mid-season or main-crop tomatoes. Mid-season tomatoes are ready for harvest about 70 to 80 days after being transplanted into the garden.
This list includes variety names, fruit size, days to harvest, and disease resistance.
Sizes include small salad-size tomatoes that are usually in the 2 to 3-ounce category; midsize slicing, paste, sauce, and cooking tomatoes that are usually 4 to 8 ounces; and large slicing and juicing tomatoes that weigh in at 9 ounces and greater. (There are a few tomatoes that weigh in excess of a pound or more, and these you will take to the county fair.)
Days to harvest are noted. Days to harvest are not days to harvest from sowing, but days to harvest from transplanting. Tomato seeds are best started indoors or under cover where they can get optimum light and heat early on. Tomatoes do best when they get a 6 to 8-week indoor head start before going into the garden. Add the days to harvest listed here to the 6 weeks of growing these tomatoes have already put in.
Selecting a tomato for your garden can sometimes be an exercise in how much room you have for plants and when you want your crop to come to harvest.
Determinate tomato vines tend to be more diminutive. These tomatoes can be grown on the ground or in low cages. Determinate vines blossom, set fruit, and then grow a little more before harvest; their lives are determined. All of the fruit on a determinate tomato plant develops at about the same time so the harvest period is concentrated and short.
Indeterminate tomato vines continue to produce new shoots and blossoms even after their first fruit set; they go on and on. That means indeterminate plants have tomatoes at all stages of development and the harvest will last over a longer period. Indeterminate tomatoes tend to grow tall and wide and are best grown in tall cages or on stakes or trellises.
Your choice of a tomato for growing might involve your desire to grow that same tomato next year (and the year after). You can do this economically by saving the seeds of plants grown this season. Open-pollinated plants are varieties that grow true from seed; the seeds from this season’s plants will produce seedlings just like the parent plant. That is generally not the case with hybrid seeds and plants. Hybrid seeds are often the result of calculated and controlled pollination of inbred plants. These plants are bred for particular attributes, but as a result, their seeds can be sterile or may not reliably produce the same plant as the parent.
Finally, a plant’s natural or “selected” ability to overcome diseases and pests can be very important. That has been one of the objectives of tomato hybridization. Tomatoes are now often labeled according to their resistance to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F) nematodes (N), tobacco mosaic virus (T), and Alternaria (A).
Mid-summer harvest tomato varieties list
- Abraham Lincoln (open-pollinated). Meaty, round, smooth bright red fruit averages 6 to 10 ounces. Indeterminate. 77 days.
- Ace-High Improved (hybrid). Large, firm, smooth fruit averages 10 ounces. Determinate. 71 days. VFNA disease-resistant. Good in western states.
- Alisa Craig (open-pollinated). Excellent flavor, firm, deep red fruit. 70 days. Indeterminate. Scottish heirloom. Uniform size; greenhouse or outdoors.
- Atkinson (open-pollinated). Firm, meaty fruit averages 6 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate. FN. Grow in a cage or on a stake or trellis. Best in the southeastern region.
- Australia (open-pollinated). Mild-flavored, large, beefsteak fruit. Late ripening.
- Ball’s Beefsteak (hybrid). Old-fashioned tomato flavor, globe-shaped sandwich tomato averages 8 to 12 ounces, with no cracking. Indeterminate. 76 days. VFT disease-resistant.
- Basket Vee (open-pollinated). Firm, deep red, meaty fruit good for canning. 70 days. Small determinate. Adapted to Midwest and Northeastern regions.
- Baxter’s Bush Cherry (open-pollinated). Good flavor, uniform, round bright red fruit about 1 inch in diameter. 72 days. Determinate. Compact plant.
- Beefsteak (open-pollinated). Old-fashioned flavor, meaty fruit up to 2 pounds for slicing. 75 days. Indeterminate. VF. Heavy yield.
- Bellestar (open-pollinated). Large, plum-type, very firm, meaty, bright red fruit averages 4 to 6 ounces. For making paste, sauce, juice, and fresh use. 72 days. Determinate. Compact plant.
- Better Boy (hybrid). Great tasting, smooth, flavorful, bright red fruit for slicing, extra large averages 12 to 16 ounces for slicing. Indeterminate. 75 days. VFN disease-resistant. Heavy crop; grow in a cage or on a trellis or stake. Continuous supply of water to avoid blossom-end rot. Widely adapted.
- Better Bush (hybrid). Sweet flavor, globe-shaped, juicy, meaty fruit, 3 to 4 inches in diameter. 72 days. Dwarf indeterminate. VFN. Good in small gardens.
- BHN 444 (hybrid). Good tomato flavor, large, smooth globe-shaped fruit. Very good yields. Good in southern states.
- BHN 589 (hybrid). Good flavor, large fruit.
- BHN 640 (hybrid). Good tomato flavor, smooth, round fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. Fruit holds after picking.
- Big Beef (hybrid). Old-time tomato flavor with smooth, 10 to 12-ounce fruits. 73 days. Indeterminate. VFNTA disease-resistant. Early to late harvest. All-America Selections winner.
- Big Boy (hybrid). Great flavor and meaty flesh from this smooth, large fruit averages 10 to 12 ounces, scarlet fruit. Heavy yields. 78 days. Indeterminate. Will go until frost. Widely adapted.
- Big Girl (hybrid). Juicy old-fashioned flavor, firm fruit averages 16 ounces. 78 days. Indeterminate. VF. Extra-healthy vines. Widely adapted.
- Big Pick (hybrid). Great flavor, large, round fruit. Vines bear until frost.
- Big Rainbow (open-pollinated). The mild, sweet flavor of golden yellow and red radiates, for slicing. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Big Set (hybrid). Smooth, firm, meaty fruit averages 8 to 9 ounces. 75 days. Determinate. VFN. Resists cracking, cat-facing, blossom-end rot. Cage or allow sprawling on the ground. Widely adapted.
- Bonny Best (open-pollinated). Old-fashioned, large, smooth meaty fruit averages 4 ounces, born in clusters. 70 days. Indeterminate. Grow in a cage to increase yield. All regions but southeast.
- Bonus (hybrid). Smooth, firm fruit. 75 days. Determinate. VFN. Resistant to cracking and cat-facing. Grow in a cage or on a short trellis. Widely adapted.
- Box Car Willie (open-pollinated). Great tasting old-fashioned tomato, large, smooth full red fruit averages 6 to 10 ounces. Indeterminate. 80 days. Long season.
- Bradley (open-pollinated). Mild flavor, juicy, globe-shaped pink fruit averages 6 to 7 ounces. 80 days. Semi-determinate. FA. Use short stake.
- Brandywine (open-pollinated). Extremely fine flavor, irregularly shaped, dark reddish-pink fruit averages 10 to 12 ounces for slices, salads, and sandwiches. Amish heirloom. 74 days. Indeterminate. Susceptible to cracking.
- Brandywine Red (Landis Valley Strain, not ribbed) (open-pollinated). Intense juicy tomato flavor in medium-sized, smooth, round red fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces. Pennsylvania heirloom from 1885. Indeterminate. 78 days. High yields.
- Bulgarian #7. Good tomato flavor, round fruit averages 5 to 6 ounces. Abundant yield.
- Burgess Stuffing Tomato (open-pollinated). Sliced this looks like a bell pepper. Tomato flavor from bright red fruit and few seeds. Indeterminate. 78 days. A tall plant with, a very good yield.
- Burpee’s (hybrid). Large, firm, meaty, smooth fruit from 7 to 8 ounces. 72 days. Indeterminate. VF. Resists cracking, good foliage cover. Grow in a cage or on a stake or trellis. Crack resistant. Widely adapted.
- Bush Champion (hybrid). Excellent flavor, meaty fruit averages 8 to 12 ounces. The plant grows to 24 inches tall. Thrives in most climates.
- Cabernet (hybrid). Rich, sweet flavor, deep red fruit averages 9 to 10 ounces. Often grown in greenhouses. 75 days. Indeterminate. VFNTA. Large yield of clusters.
- Cal Ace (open-pollinated). Good flavor, smooth, oblate fruit averages 8 to 12 ounces. 80 days. Determinate. FV. Uniform ripening. Best in California.
- Campbell 1327 (open-pollinated). Sweet, firm, red fruit averages 7 ounces. 75 days. Determinate. VF. Resists cracking. Best in Midwest and Northeastern regions.
- Carmello (hybrid). The outstanding flavor combines sugar and acid from a medium-sized, juicy fruit. French hybrid. 70 days. Indeterminate. Widely adapted.
- Carnival (hybrid). Good tomato flavor with acid-to-sugar balance; globe-shaped red fruit averages 8 to 9 ounces for sandwiches and salads. Big producer. 70 days. Determinate. VFNTA.
- Caro Red (open-pollinated). Rich, distinct flavor, smooth, globe-shaped, orange-red fruit, to 3 inches across. 78 days. Indeterminate. Prolific.
- Caro Rich (open-pollinated). Sweet flavor, slightly flattened, deep golden orange fruit averages 4 to 6 ounces. 80 days. Determinate.
- Carré (open-pollinated). Large, square, firm, meaty fruit, dark red interior. For paste and purée. 70 days.
- Caspian Pink (open-pollinated). Ultra-sweet, juicy pink fruit averages 11 ounces. Russian heirloom. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Cavalier (hybrid). Firm fruit. Early fruit, high yield.
- Celebrity (hybrid). The outstanding flavor from large bright red fruit averages 8 to 12 ounces in clusters. Determinate. 70 days. VFNT. All-America Selections winner. Consistent in all ways.
- Champion (hybrid). Sweet, solid, meaty, sandwich tomato combines Early Girl and Better Boy flavors. Indeterminate. 70 days. VFNT. High yields.
- Cherokee Purple (open-pollinated). Dusky pink with darker pink shoulder, medium-large, flattened fruit. 72 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom from the Cherokee people.
- Chico III (open-pollinated). Paste tomato, small, pear-shaped fruit to about 3 inches in diameter; average 2 to 3 ounces. 70 days. Determinate. Disease resistant. Sets fruit in high temperatures.
- Cluster Grande (hybrid). Cluster tomato with very good taste averages 5 ounces. Indeterminate. 70 days. FFA. Uniform ripening. Very productive.
- Cobra (hybrid). Very good flavor from a greenhouse, cluster tomato, averages 8 ounces. Indeterminate. 70 days. VFT. Resists splitting, Very productive.
- Cold Set (open-pollinated). Medium size, round, red fruit averages 5 to 6 ounces. 70 days. Determinate. Seeds will germinate in the soil as cold as 50º F and seedlings can tolerate 18º F.
- Costoluto Fiorentino (open-pollinated). Excellent flavored Italian heirloom from Tuscany; bright red, smooth-skinned averages 8 ounces. Indeterminate. 80 days.
- Costoluto Genovese (open-pollinated). Full flavored Italian heirloom; large deep red fruit that is deeply ribbed. Indeterminate. 78 days.
- Crack Proof (open-pollinated). Large, scarlet fruit averages 9 ounces; good for canning. 80 days. Bears until frost.
- Creole. Sweet tomato flavor, juicy, smooth, and medium-large fruit. Indeterminate. 78 days. Grows well in warm, humid, southern regions.
- Crimson Fancy (hybrid). Sweetly flavored, round, red fruit. Minimum care; good yields.
- Delicious (open-pollinated). Extra large fruit with a solid interior and few seeds can grow to 7 pounds. 77 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking. Will not do well in humid southern regions.
- Del Oro (open-pollinated). Meaty sauce tomato; freeze, juice, can. 72 days. Determinate. VFN.
- Dejena Lee’s Golden Girl (open-pollinated). Sweet, tangy flavor, golden-orange fruit averages 7 to 8 ounces. 80 days. Indeterminate. Introduced in the 1920s.
- Dona. Great tasting, juicy red fruit averages 6 ounces; from France. Indeterminate. 65 days. VFNT. Abundant.
- Duke (hybrid). Large, firm, smooth fruit averages 8 ounces. Vigorous vines; high yields.
- Dutchman (open-pollinated). Excellent, mild, sweet flavor, low in acid, large, globe-shaped purplish-pink fruit up to 2 pounds. Heirloom beefsteak. 80 days. Indeterminate. Low production.
- Dwarf Champion (open-pollinated). Mild flavor, firm, meaty, rose-pink fruit averages 5 ounces. French heirloom. 70 days. Dwarf indeterminate.
- Early Pear (hybrid). Rich flavor, small, pear-shaped, bright red fruit averages 2 to 3 ounces. Use whole for canning or paste. 70 days. Determinate.
- Egg (open-pollinated). Very good flavor, small, egg-shaped fruit averages 3 ounces excellent for juice. 80 days. Determinate. Resists cracking. Uniform shape.
- Eva Purple Ball (open-pollinated). Sweet, delicious smooth pink fruit for salads and sandwiches about 2 inches across; German heirloom. 70 days. Indeterminate. V. Large yields. Compact, prolific.
- Evergreen (open-pollinated). Sweet flavor, meaty, medium to large fruit amber green when ripe. 72 days. Indeterminate.
- Fantastic (hybrid). Smooth fruit to 8 ounces. 70 days. Indeterminate. Heavy bearing until frost. Widely adapted.
- First Prize (hybrid). Great flavor, smooth red fruit averages 10 to 12 ounces. 75 days. VFNT. Long season, high yields.
- Flora-Dade (open-pollinated). Medium-sized, round, globe-shaped fruit averages 7 ounces. 75 days. Determinate. Adapted to humid southern regions.
- Floralina (hybrid). Very good flavor, round, red fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces. Determinate. 72 days to harvest. VFA disease-resistant. Developed for southern regions, grows well in all regions.
- Floramerica (hybrid). Excellent flavor, large, very red fruit averages 6 to 10 ounces. 72 days. Determinate. VF. All-America Award winner. Widely adapted.
- Florida 47 (hybrid). Green, globe-shaped fruit.80 days. Late midseason.
- Florida 91 (hybrid). Flavorful, large, round, smooth, red tomato averages 10 ounces. Determinate. 72 days to harvest. VF disease-resistant. Sets in heat on the vine.
- Garden Peach (open-pollinated). Mild and juicy fruit with pale velvety skin. 72 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom.
- Giant Valentine. Juicy, sweet, deed red, heart-shaped fruit averages 6 to 10 ounces. Between a paste and ox-heart tomato. Indeterminate. 73 days disease resistant. VFA disease-resistant. Good in all conditions.
- Glamour (open-pollinated). Mild flavor, large, smooth, bright red fruit averages 6 ounces. 74 days. Indeterminate. Grow in a cage to prevent sunscald. Dependable. Abundant. Best in Midwest and Northeastern regions.
- Glory (hybrid). Sweet, juicy cross from two hybrids, thin skin averages 11 ounces. Indeterminate. 75 days to harvest. Abundant.
- Golden Boy (hybrid). Mild flavored, meaty, globe-shaped, deep golden-orange fruit averages 8 ounces. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Golden Ponderosa (Railroad Strain) (open-pollinated). Mildly flavored, yellow-gold fruit up to 1 pound. West Virginia heirloom. 78 days.
- Golden Queen (open-pollinated). Excellent mild flavor, medium-small, golden-yellow fruit. 78 days. Indeterminate. Greenhouse or outdoors.
- Golden Sunray (open-pollinated). Rich flavor, meaty flesh, golden yellow fruit. 75 days. Indeterminate. Blemish free.
- Gold Nugget (open-pollinated). Well-balanced flavor, round, slightly oval fruit is golden yellow. 70 days. Determinate. Resists cracking. Compact plant.
- Goliath (hybrid). Juicy, sweet-flavored brilliant red fruit with meaty interior averages 10 to 16 ounces. Indeterminate. 70 days to harvest. VFNT. Widely adapted.
- Grandma Mary’s (open-pollinated). Delicious large plum-shaped fruit, meaty averages 8 to 12 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate. Rare heirloom. Ripens well if picked green.
- Granny Smith (hybrid). Sweet and slightly tart fruit stays yellow-green for salsa. 72 days.
- Green Grape (open-pollinated). Flavorful, sweet, juicy, small round yellowish-green fruit to about 1½ inches in diameter. 80 days. Resists cracking.
- Greenhouse (hybrid). Excellent flavor, smooth red fruit averages 8 to 12 ounces. Indeterminate. 74 days. VFNTA. Abundant.
- Green Zebra (open-pollinated). Zesty flavor, golden green fruit with forest green stripes, 2-3 inches across. 70 days. Semi-determinate.
- GulfState Market. Smooth pink fruit with red meat averages 6 to 8 ounces. Good all-around tomato.
- Health Kick (hybrid). Plum-shaped salad and cooking tomato averages 4 to 6 ounces. Contains extra lycopene antioxidants. 74 days. Determinate. VFA. Abundant plant to 4 feet tall.
- Heartland (hybrid). Excellent flavor with fruits averaging 6 to 8 ounces. 68 days. Indeterminate. VFN. Dwarf variety. Abundant, long season.
- Heatwave (hybrid). Bright red fruit, heat tolerant. 68 days. Determinate. VFA. Well suited for warm regions and the southeast.
- Heinz 1350 (open-pollinated). Bright red fruit to average 6 ounces. 75 days. Determinate. VF. Good crack resistance. Heavy yield. Widely adapted.
- Heinz 1370 (open-pollinated). Similar to Heinz 1350. 77 days. Determinate. F. A good yield on second picking. Best in Midwestern and Northeastern regions.
- Heinz 1439. Round, bright red fruit for canning. 70 days. Determinate. VFA. Crack resistant. Heavy yield.
- Hilltop. Meaty, red fruit from 10 to 12 ounces.
- Holland. Juicy, sweet flavor, large, smooth red fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. 75 days to harvest. Abundant.
- Holmes Mexican (open-pollinated). Large, thick, flat fruit with few seeds up to 3 pounds. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Homestead (open-pollinated). Meaty, medium-sized, smooth red fruit. 80 days. Determinate. F. Good in hot weather, southern regions.
- Homesweet (open-pollinated). Balanced flavor, large, bright red fruit averages 9 ounces. 70 days. Widely adapted.
- Honey (hybrid). Smooth, dark pink fruit averages 8 ounces; large yields. Disease resistant. Long season.
- Husky Red (hybrid). Very good flavor, bright red fruit averages 5 to 7 ounces. Abundant through the season.
- Jet Star (hybrid). Mild, tasty, firm, low acid, meaty fruit averages 8 ounces, low acid, not for canning. 72 days to harvest. Indeterminate. VF. Resistant to cracking. Grow in a cage or on a stake. Abundant. Widely adapted.
- Jim Dandy (hybrid). Solid red fruit for slicing and canning. 75 days. Indeterminate. Grow in a cage or on a stake. Widely adapted.
- Jubilee (open-pollinated). Mild and flavorful, meaty, globular, bright golden orange fruit averages 6 to 7 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- The Juice (hybrid). Tasty, juicy, medium to large fruit. 72 days. Determinate. VF. Grow in cages or on short stake. Best in Western regions.
- June Pink (open-pollinated). Excellent flavor, somewhat flattened, rose-pink fruit averages 4 to 5 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking.
- Keepsake (hybrid). Sweet tomato flavor, bright red fruit averages 7 to 8 ounces. Long keeper. 70 days to harvest. VFNTA. Abundant.
- Kewalo. Round, red tropical tomato. 78 days to harvest. Determinate. Nematode and bacterial wilt tolerant. Well suited for tropical regions, but adapts to temperate climates.
- Landry’s Russian (open-pollinated). Delicious, sweet, medium-sized, round, red fruit up to 8 ounces. Canadian heirloom. 70 days. Indeterminate. Consistent production.
- Large Red Cherry (open-pollinated). Sweet, mild flavor globe-shaped, bright scarlet fruit to 1½ inches in diameter for salads and eating whole. 75 days. Indeterminate. A.
- Lemon Boy (hybrid). Mildly flavored, yellow fruit averages 6 ounces. 72 days. Indeterminate. Abundant.
- Liberty Bell (open-pollinated). Mild flavor for stuffing; hollow, bell-shaped fruit average 4 to 8 ounces; deeply ribbed. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Lisa King. Large fruit from 10-20 ounces can crack.
- Long Keeper (open-pollinated). Medium, orange-red fruit when ripe.78 days. Will stay fresh for 6 to 12 weeks.
- Loomis Potato Leaf Cherry (open-pollinated). Very good flavor, medium-small, nearly round fruit to 1 inch in diameter. 80 days. Indeterminate. Excellent production.
- Magnus. Sweet, juicy, dark pink, round fruit averages about 6 ounces. Abundant.
- Manapal (open-pollinated). Very productive greenhouse tomato. 75 days. Indeterminate. F. Good in humid regions. Widely adapted.
- Mandarin Cross (hybrid). Mild but flavorful, low acid, deep globe-shaped, lemon yellow fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate. FVN.
- Marglobe (open-pollinated). Smooth, scarlet fruit, meaty walls to medium size averages 6 ounces. 75 days. Determinate. F. Large harvest from a strong vine. Widely adapted.
- Marion (open-pollinated). Smooth, firm, deep red fruit averages 6 ounces. 79 days. Indeterminate. F. Cage, stake, or trellis vigorous vines. Best in humid southeastern regions.
- Marmande (open-pollinated). Delicious, full flavor, firm, meaty, deep red fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. 65 days. Semi-determinant. Abundant.
- Mission Dyke (open-pollinated). Mild flavor, large, globe-shaped medium-pin fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces. 70 days. Indeterminate. Suitable for tropical regions.
- Momotaro (hybrid). Medium, smooth, round fruit. Abundant.
- Moneymaker (open-pollinated). High-quality, medium-sized, globular, red fruit averages 4 to 6 ounces.75 days. Indeterminate. Abundant.
- Monte Carlo (hybrid). Sweet flavor, smooth, large fruit averages 9 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate. VFN. Long harvest; resists cracking and cat-facing, sunscald, and blossom-end rot. Good foliage covers on strong vines. Widely adapted.
- Monte Verde (open-pollinated). Medium size fruit with green shoulder, firm and smooth. Very good yield. Early midseason.
- Moreton (hybrid). Firm, meaty fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. 70 days. Indeterminate. VF. Grow in a cage. All regions but southeast.
- Mountain Fresh (open-pollinated). Tasty, firm fruit averages 8 ounces. Resists cracking
- Mountain Spring (hybrid). Mild, pleasant flavor, bright red fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces. 72 days to harvest. Determinate. VF. Very productive.
- Muriel (hybrid). Roma-type fruit. Uniform ripening.
- Napoli (open-pollinated). Small, plum-shaped, bright red fruit averages 2 ounces; thick-walled and meaty for canning or paste. 80 days. Determinate. Compact plant.
- Nectarine. Good taste, pale orange to deep pink fruit about the size of a nectarine.
- Nepal (open-pollinated). Old-fashioned flavor, medium, globe-shaped, bright red fruit averages 10 to 12 ounces. 78 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking.
- New Zealand Pear (open-pollinated). Pear-shaped, green-shouldered fruit for sauce and paste. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Nova (open-pollinated). Roma-type fruit with a firm, meaty interior averages 2 ounces. 72 days. Determinate. V. Compact. Does well in cool northern regions.
- Odoriko (hybrid). Rich, tangy flavor, round, dark pink fruit, medium to large. 76 days. Indeterminate. VFNT. Abundant. Japanese origin.
- Old Brooks (open-pollinated). Medium to large, round red fruit. Bears through the season.
- Oxheart (open-pollinated). Meaty, heart-shaped pink fruit up to 16 ounces.
- Ozark Pink (open-pollinated). Good tomato flavor, globe-shaped pink fruit.
- Patio (hybrid). Flavorful, medium-sized, deep red fruit averages 4 to 5 ounces. 70 days. Determinate. High yield in limited space, containers.
- Pear (open-pollinated). Sweet flavor for fresh eating, to inch across. 78 days. Indeterminate.
- Pearson (open-pollinated). Old-fashioned tomato flavor, globe-shaped fruit to 3 inches in diameter for slicing and canning. 80 days. Determinate.
- Peron (open-pollinated). Good flavored, round red fruit. 68 days. Indeterminate. High in vitamin C.
- Persimmon (open-pollinated). Great taste from oblate fruit with deep persimmon orange color. 80 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom.
- Pik Red (hybrid). Smooth, meaty fruit averages 6 to 7 ounces.
- Pink Girl (hybrid). Mild-tasting, juicy, smooth, pink tomato averages 8 ounces. 76 days to harvest. Indeterminate. Very productive.
- Pink Grapefruit (open-pollinated). Delicious low-acid fruit, flattened, globe-shaped yellow fruit with blushing pink flesh averages 4 to 6 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- Pink Ping Pong (open-pollinated). Excellent sweet flavor, small, juicy fruit for salads. 75 days. Indeterminate. It Ripens through the end of the season.
- Pink Salad (open-pollinated). Excellent flavor, small oval fruit to 1½ inches in diameter for salads. 75 days. Determinate. High yield.
- Porter’s Pride (open-pollinated). Tomato flavor in small red fruit averages 3 ounces. 70 days. Indeterminate. Stores well. Abundant. Little cracking.
- Prudence Purple (open-pollinated). Flavorful, meaty, flattened, ribbed, pinkish-purple fruit up to 1 pound. 70 days. Indeterminate.
- Purple Calabash (open-pollinated). Sweet, juicy, highly lobed, dark pinkish-purple fruit averages 5 to 6 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- Purple Smudge (open-pollinated). Good flavor, low acid, medium-small fruit with purple smudge pattern on the shoulder of green skin. 75 days.
- Pusa Ruby (open-pollinated). Medium-size to 2 inches in diameter, deep red fruit. 70 days. Indeterminate. Does well in warm regions. Popular in India.
- Quick Pick (hybrid). Excellent flavor, medium-size fruit. Good production from early to late season.
- Quinte (open-pollinated). Firm, juicy, crimson fruit averages 7 ounces. 70 days. Determinate. V.
- Red Cherry (open-pollinated). Good flavor, small, round bright red fruit averages less than 1 ounce for salads and eating whole. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- Red Cup (open-pollinated). Good flavor, small lobed averages 2 to 4 ounces. Stuffing tomato.
- Redpak (hybrid). Large, firm, solid fruit. 71 days. Determinate. VF. Resists cracking on the vine. Widely adapted.
- Red Pear (open-pollinated). Mild, pleasant flavor, small, oval, scarlet fruit averages 1 ounce. Bears in clusters. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- Red Plum (open-pollinated). Mildly flavored, small, oval, scarlet fruit averages less than 1 ounce. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- Red Sun (hybrid). Flavorful, large, globe-shaped fruit averages 10 ounces. 72 days. Determinate.
- Repack (open-pollinated). Excellent flavor, large Roma-type fruit for paste. 73 days. Determinate. VF. Ripens uniformly.
- Rodade (open-pollinated). Smooth, firm fruit ripens evenly. 77 days. FV. Suited for sub-tropical regions.
- Roma (open-pollinated). Meaty, pear-shaped fruit with few seeds for paste, sauce, and canning. 75 days. Determinate. VF. Abundant.
- Rose de Berne (open-pollinated). Juicy, sweet flavor, dark pink, thin, smooth globe fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. Swiss heirloom. 75 days. Indeterminate. Abundant.
- Roughwood Golden Plum (open-pollinated). Medium size, orange, paste tomato.
- Royal Chico (open-pollinated). Bright red, plum-shaped fruit, a meaty interior for sauce, paste, and canning.72 days. Determinate. Bears until frost.
- Royesta (hybrid). Ribbed fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces.
- Russian Red (open-pollinated). Good flavor, round, scarlet red fruit averages 4 to 8 ounces. 80 days. Determinate. Tolerant of lower temperatures.
- Russian Rose (open-pollinated). Sweet, full flavor, meaty, round, rose pink fruit averages 12 ounces. Russian heirloom. 78 days. Indeterminate.
- Rutgers (open-pollinated). Old-fashioned tomato flavor, juicy and bright red averages 6 to 8 ounces; great for canning or thick sauce. 75 days. Determinate. VFA. Crack free.
- Salsa (hybrid). Full flavored, round fruit averages 5 ounces.
- San Francisco Fog (open-pollinated). Good flavor, round, smooth clustered, trussed fruit.
- San Marzano (open-pollinated). Delicious, balanced flavor, meaty fleshed fruit averages 5 to 6 ounces for salads and sauce. 78 days. Indeterminate. Heavy yields on tall vines.
- San Pablo (open-pollinated). Small, plum-shaped Roma-type fruit averages 2 ounces for juice and canning. 75 days. Determinate.
- Sanibel (hybrid). Vine-ripe flavor, large, smooth, red fruit. 75 days. Determinate. VFNA.
- Sausalito (hybrid). Round, firm fruit averages 2½ to 3 ounces for canning and ketchup.
- Scarlet Topper (open-pollinated). Very good flavor, meaty, solid core, globe-shaped brilliant red fruit to 3½ inches in diameter. 75 days. Determinate. Also called Pritchard, Pritchard’s Scarlet Topper.
- Sedona (hybrid). Smooth, bright red fruit for greenhouse growing.
- Shady Lady (hybrid). Excellent flavor, round, globe-shaped, red fruit, medium to extra large. 75 days. Determinate. Excellent performer in Western states.
- Sioux (open-pollinated). Sweet, tangy with a rich complex flavor, medium, round, red fruit averages 6 ounces. 70 days. Indeterminate. Reliable in hot weather.
- Solar Fire (open-pollinated). Medium to large fruit that is heat tolerant. Heavy producer. Plant in mid-summer for late harvest in hot regions.
- Solar Set (hybrid). Full tomato flavor, bright red fruit averages 8 to 9 ounces, and grows well in the heat. 70 days. Determinate. VF. Heat tolerant with excellent flavor.
- Spitfire (hybrid). Full tomato flavor, smooth, large, crimson fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces. 68 days. Determinate. VFA. Early fruit and good performance in the heat.
- Stakeless (open-pollinated). Meaty, round fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. 78 days. Stands 18 to 24 inches tall.
- Stuffing (open-pollinated). Bell-shaped, thick-walled fruit for stuffing and baking. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- Sunbeam (hybrid). Excellent flavor, firm, smooth, globe-shaped fruit averages 10 to 12 ounces. Compact plant.
- Sun Chaser. Very good flavor, round, red fruit to 8 ounces. Good in hot and humid conditions. 72 days. Determinate. Good in warm regions.
- Sundrop (open-pollinated). Sweet flavor, small, globe-shaped, deep orange fruit to 1½ inches in diameter for snacking and relish trays. 76 days. Indeterminate.
- Sun King (hybrid). Sweet, rich tasting, large, red, smooth, meaty fruit for slicing. Productive through a long season.
- Sun Leaper (hybrid). Very good flavor, firm, smooth, red fruit to averages 9 ounces. Large yield from a compact plant.
- Sunmaster (hybrid). Full flavored sugar and acid balance, smooth, firm fruit averages 7 to 8 ounces. Sets best in high day and night temperatures. 72 days. Determinate. VFA. Crack resistant.
- Sunny (hybrid). Medium-large, firm, thick-walled fruit averages 9 ounces. Large yields.
- Sunpride (open-pollinated). Large, green shoulder fruit to about 9 ounces. Determinate.
- Sunripe (hybrid). Large fruit. 69 days. Determinate. VF. Resists cracking, plant on short stake. Best in the western states.
- Super Fantastic (hybrid). The delicious flavor combines sweet and acid, large, smooth, juicy round fruit. 70 days. Indeterminate. VF. Yields until frost. Widely adapted.
- Super Italian Paste (open-pollinated). Sweet flavored, large, meaty, plum-shaped fruit averages 10 to 12 ounces; little juice and few seeds for sauce and paste. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Super Marmande (open-pollinated). Very flavorful, meaty, slightly flattened, irregular fruit from 6 to 8 ounces for slicing. 72 days. Semi-determinate.
- Super Roma. Good flavor, improved Roma type, juicy interior, or juice and soup. 70 days. Determinate. VF.
- Supersonic (hybrid). Bright orange-red fruit with good flavor averages 8 to 12 ounces. 79 days. Indeterminate. VF. Crack resistant. Cage, stake, or trellis. Grows well in northeastern states.
- Super Sioux (open-pollinated). Round, smooth fruit to about 4 to 6 ounces. 70 days. Semi-determinate. Grow in a cage; sets fruit in high temperatures. All regions except the southeast.
- Sweet Cluster (hybrid). Sweet, delicious clusters of 6-8 glossy red fruits about 4 ounces. 67 days. Indeterminate. Outdoors or in a greenhouse. Stores well.
- Tappy’s Finest (open-pollinated). Fine flavor, irregularly shaped, deep-pink fruit averages 14 to 16 ounces. Meaty with a few seeds for slicing and juice. West Virginia heirloom. 77 days. Indeterminate.
- Terrific (hybrid). Excellent flavor, smooth, firm, meaty fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces. 70 days. Indeterminate. VFN. Crack resistant; fruits over a long season; good foliage cover; grow in a cage or on a trellis. Widely adapted.
- Thessaloniki (open-pollinated). Excellent juicy flavor, smooth, large red fruit averages 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Greek heirloom. 75 days. Indeterminate. Crack resistant. Good yields.
- Tiffany (hybrid). Rich, sweet flavor, dark red fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. Vigorous plants.
- Tip-Top (open-pollinated). Sweeter than cherry tomatoes, nearly round fruit averages 3 ounces. 74 days. Determinate. Requires no staking. Bears in clusters.
- Tomade. Sweet, delicious, ribbed fruit averages 6 to 7 ounces. Disease resistant; a heavy yield on compact plants.
- Tomosa (hybrid). Juicy, deep red fruit averages 3 to 4 ounces for snacking. 70 days. Indeterminate.
- Tropic (open-pollinated). Solid, meaty, flattened, globe-shaped fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces. 80 days. Indeterminate. Tolerates heat and high humidity.
- Ultra Boy (hybrid). Old-fashioned, acid tomato flavor, smooth, globe-shaped fruit to about 8 ounces.
- Urbana (open-pollinated). Very fine flavor, smooth, bright red fruit averages 4 to 8 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate. Ripens uniformly. Abundant.
- Variegated. Round, red fruit averages 3 to 5 ounces; creamy white and green variegated foliage.
- Veeroma (open-pollinated). Roma type, plum-shaped fruit, medium red averages 2 ounces. 72 days. Determinate. VF. Resist cracking. Early maturing.
- Vendor (open-pollinated). Best taste in the green ripe stage, globe-shaped fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. Greenhouse tomato. 75 days. Uniform ripening.
- Victor (open-pollinated). Very good flavor, firm, smooth oblate fruit averages 4 to 5 ounces. 70 days. Determinate.
- Victoria (open-pollinated). Mild-tasting, bright red fruit averages 5 ounces. 75 days. Indeterminate. Requires staking or trellis. Not a heavy producer, but unique flavor.
- Violaceum Krypni-Rozo (open-pollinated). Excellent, sweet flavor, dark pink to purple, deeply scalloped fruit to about 8 ounces. European heirloom. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Watermelon Beefsteak (open-pollinated). Sweet, mild, oblate, dark-pink fruit up to 2 pounds. Heirloom. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- West Virginia 63 (open-pollinated). Excellent for slicing, uniform, smooth, bright red fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. 70 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking. High yield.
- White Potato Leaf (open-pollinated). Mild and sweet fruity flavor, meaty medium size ruffled fruit creamy white streaked reddish pink. Use for sauce. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Wisconsin 55. Sweet, flavorful, smooth red fruit averages 8 ounces. Developed in Wisconsin in the 1940s. 78 days. Indeterminate. Widely adapted.
- Yellow Cherry (open-pollinated). Mild, sweet flavor, small, round bright-yellow fruit to 1 inch in diameter for garnish and salads. 75 days. Indeterminate. Long season.
- Yellow Marble (open-pollinated). Mild, sweet flavored, marble-sized, golden-yellow fruit. 75 days. Indeterminate.
- Yellow Oxheart (open-pollinated). Sweet flavor, large, meaty, bright yellow fruit up to 1 pound. 79 days.
- Yellow Pear (open-pollinated). Mild, sweet flavor, small, pear-shaped, clear-yellow fruit for salads and pickling. 75 days. Indeterminate. Abundant in clusters.
- Yellow Perfection (open-pollinated). Mild flavor, medium-small, round, deep golden-yellow fruit. 70 days. Indeterminate. Ripens in cool and warm weather. Fruits in clusters of 4 to 6.
- Yellow Plum (open-pollinated). Mild, sweet flavor, small, plum-shaped, clear-yellow fruit to 1 inch in diameter, averages 1 ounce. Heirloom. 75 days. Indeterminate. Bears in clusters until frost.
- Yellow Ruffled (open-pollinated). Excellent flavor, yellow stuffing tomato with ridges to 3½ inches in diameter. 80 days. Indeterminate. Productive.
Midsummer Costoluto Genovese

Costoluto Genovese is a large, juicy Italian heirloom tomato with an acidic-tart full-tomato flavor well suited for slicing and serving fresh or cooking.
Costoluto Genovese has been a Mediterranean favorite since at least the early eighteenth century. The key to this mid-season beefsteak’s rich tomato flavor is heat. Grown away from the dry, sun-drenched gardens of the Mediterranean this tomato might disappoint.
Mid-season tomatoes such as Costoluto Genovese are ready for harvest mid-summer. Late-season tomatoes demand 80 or more days to mature; mid-season tomatoes reach their peak at about 70 days and sometimes earlier.
Costoluto Genovese is heavily lobed, even scalloped. In profile, this tomato appears flattened and fluted to the point of convoluted. Appearances needn’t be off-putting; Costoluto Genovese slices nicely at its scallops and is perfect for adding to fresh vegetable plates. Of course, like any other beefsteak, this tomato is very meaty and can be sliced across to make a tasty tomato and basil sandwich.
In Italy Costoluto Genovese is a favorite for pasta sauces and pastes; for these, remove this tomato’s medium-thick skin. Of course, the skin makes Costoluto Genovese a good choice for broiling and grilling. And if this prolific, indeterminate producer delivers more than you can keep up with, juicing is an excellent alternative for Costoluto Genovese.
Some people won’t hear about adding beefsteak tomatoes to mixed salads; they say sliced, cut tomatoes weep, dilute the dressing, and make the salad soggy. Well, the solution is quite simple: simply let the slices or wedges drain well on a paper towel. No formality should deny you one of the tastiest pleasures of summer.
The rich, sharp flavor of Parmesan cheese is a good match for almost every tomato, no exception is the Costoluto Genovese. Freshly grated Parmesan, complex-flavored and granular–grana, as they say in Italy–is a fine match for this broiled Costoluto Genovese recipe.
Late-season harvest tomato varieties
Late-summer tomato varieties reach ripeness or maturity 80 days or more after the seedling has been transplanted into the garden. Late-summer tomatoes are also known as late-season tomatoes.
Late-season tomatoes generally bear the largest fruits and are commonly the tastiest tomatoes because they have been on the vine the longest and have ripened in the heat of summer.
For the longest tomato harvest set out late-season tomatoes at the same time you set out early-season tomatoes and mid-season tomatoes, that way you will have a succession of tomato harvests.
Here is a checklist of popular late-summer or late-season tomato varieties: included in each entry is the type of tomato, the color, size, and flavor; also listed are the average days to maturity, whether the tomato is determinate or indeterminate and whether it is disease resistant.
Late-summer harvest tomato varieties list
- Abraham Lincoln (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright red, round fruit, meaty averages 6 to 10 ounces; sweet. 87 days. Indeterminate.
- Atkinson (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Large tomato does well in humid regions. 80 days. Determinate. FV.
- Amish Paste (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Red-skinned, large, heart-shaped; meaty, excellent flavor. 85 days. Heirloom from Wisconsin.
- Beefmaster (hybrid). Slicing tomato. 80 days. Indeterminate. VFN.
- Beefsteak, Scarlet Beefsteak, Red Ponderosa, Crimson Cushion (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Crimson red, large, flattened to 16 ounces; old-fashioned tomato flavor. 85 days. Indeterminate.
- Big Crop Climbing (open-pollinated). Red-skinned. Very late crop. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Big Johnny (hybrid). Red-skinned. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Big Red (hybrid). Crimson-red fruit. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Boatman Miracle Climbing Tomato (open-pollinated). Red-skinned. Very high yield. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Bradley (open-pollinated). Globe-shaped pink fruit averages 6 to 7 ounces; mild flavor, juicy. 80 days. Semi-determinate. FA. Use short stake.
- Bragger (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, meaty to 13 ounces. 87 days. Indeterminate.
- Brimmer (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Purplish-pink, meaty, large to 16 ounces or more. 85 days. Indeterminate.
- Burgess Jumbo Hybrid (open-pollinated). Red-skinned, mild flavor. 81 days. Indeterminate.
- Burpee’s Globe (open-pollinated). Pink-skinned, medium size bears in clusters of six to ten. 80 days. Indeterminate. All-America winner.
- Burpee’s Supersteak (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned. 80 days. Indeterminate. VFN.
- Cal Ace (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, smooth, oblate fruit averages 8 to 12 ounces; good flavor. 80 days. Determinate. FV. Uniform ripening. Best in California.
- Calypso (open-pollinated). Red-skinned, for southern humid regions. 83 days. Determinate. VFF.
- Caro Red (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Orange-red fruit, globe-shaped to 3 inches across, smooth; rich, distinct flavor. 78 days. Indeterminate. Prolific.
- Chadwick’s Cherry (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Red fruit, small, round to 1 ounce; juicy, sweet. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Colossal (hybrid). Red-skinned, giant fruit to 2½ pounds. 85 days. Indeterminate.
- Costoluto Genovese (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. A deep red, large deep red fruit that is deeply ribbed; fully flavored. Indeterminate. 78 days. Italian heirloom.
- Crack Proof (open-pollinated). Canning tomato. Large, scarlet fruit averages 9 ounces; good for canning. 80 days. Bears until frost.
- Crimson Giant (open-pollinated). Red skin, very large fruit to 1½ pounds. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Dad’s Mug (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Scarlet-skinned, large, blocky, meat; good flavor. 85 days. Indeterminate.
- Dejena Lee’s Golden Girl (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Golden-orange fruit averages 7 to 8 ounces; sweet, tangy flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate. Introduced in the 1920s.
- Dinner Plate (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, large, heart-shaped to 2 pounds or more; meaty, richly flavored. 90 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom.
- Dixie Golden Giant (open-pollinated). Yellow beefsteak; large fruit to 2½ pounds for southern gardens; sweet flavor. 84 days. Indeterminate.
- Doublerich (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Scarlet fruit, medium size to 8 ounces, globe-shaped; juicy. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Dutchman (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Purplish-pink, large, globe-shaped fruit up to 2 pounds; excellent, mild, sweet flavor, low in acid. Heirloom beefsteak. 80 days. Indeterminate. Low production.
- Early Pak 7 (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium- to medium-large fruit to 8 ounces; grow in a cage. 82 days. Determinate.
- Early Pak 707 (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, uniform, smooth. 82 days. Determinate. VF.
- Egg (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, small, uniform, egg-shaped fruit averages 3 ounces excellent for juice; very good flavor. 80 days. Determinate. Resists cracking.
- German Head (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Dark-pink fruit, large to 10 ounces; meaty, mild flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Giant Belgium (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Dark pink fruit, large, oblate to 4 inches in diameter, to 2 pounds; very good flavor. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Giant King (hybrid). Red-skinned, large fruit. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Giant Oxheart (open-pollinated). Red-skinned, very large fruit to 2 pounds; nonacid fruit. 87 days. Indeterminate.
- Giant Tree (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Pink-skinned, large, round to 2 pounds; low acid, mild flavor. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Golden Boy (hybrid). Deep golden-orange fruit, meaty to 8 ounces; mildly flavored. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Golden Oxheart (open-pollinated). Golden-orange fruit. 87 days. Indeterminate.
- Golden Ponderosa, Yellow Ponderosa (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Yellow fruit, flattened, globe-shaped to 16 ounces; meaty, mild flavored. 85 days. Indeterminate.
- Goliath (open-pollinated). Canning tomato. Light red-skinned, very large with few seeds; very good flavors. 85 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom from the 1800s.
- Greater Baltimore (open-pollinated). Canning tomato. Red, large fruit. 82 days. Indeterminate.
- Green Grape (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Small round yellowish-green fruit to about 1½ inches in diameter; flavorful, sweet, juicy. 80 days. Resists cracking.
- Gulf States Market (open-pollinated). Purplish-pink tomato, recommended for southern gardens. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Heavyweight (hybrid). Red-skinned with large fruit up to one pound. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- He-Man (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium-firm fruit to 6 ounces. 82 days. Indeterminate. VF.
- Henry Field Tomato (hybrid). Red-skinned produces clusters of medium size fruit. 100 days. Indeterminate. Disease resistant.
- Holmes Mexican (open-pollinated). Pink-skinned, large to 3 pounds; subacid flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Homestead 24 (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, meaty to 8 ounces. 82 days. Determinate. F. Good in high temperatures. Resists catfacing.
- Hybrid Ace (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned; needs support–stake, trellis, cage; suited to hot, dry summers. 80 days. Determinate. VFN.
- Indian River (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Scarlet red, medium fruit to 6 ounces. 85 days. Indeterminate. F.
- Ingegnoli (open-pollinated). Red skin, with large, meaty fruits to three pounds. 90 days. Indeterminate. From Italy.
- Jubilee (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Yellow-skinned, old-time variety. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Jumbo (hybrid). Greenhouse tomato. Red-skinned, clusters of 5 to 7-ounce fruit; grown commercially in northern states and Canada. 80 days. Determinate.
- Jumbo Hybrid Burgess (open-pollinated). Slicing. Red-skinned with fruit to two pounds each; very mild flavor. 80 days. Semi-determinate.
- Jumbo Jim (open-pollinated). Slicing. Red-skinned, meaty, large to 2 pounds; mild flavor. 84 days. Indeterminate. VF.
- Jung’s Giant Climber (open-pollinated). Red-skinned, large fruit, on a long vine. 87 days. Indeterminate.
- Kurihara 90 (open-pollinated). Pink, Japanese variety with large fruit. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Lakeland Climbing Tomato (open-pollinated). Red-skinned with large fruit to 3 pounds. 87 days. Indeterminate.
- Liberty Bell, Liberty (open-pollinated). Stuffing tomato. Red-skinned; hollow, bell-shaped fruit average 4 to 8 ounces; deeply ribbed; mild flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Loomis Potato Leaf Cherry (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Bright red fruit, medium small to 1-inch diameter; good flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Manahill (open-pollinated). Red skin, developed for Florida growing. 80 days. Indeterminate. Resists early blight, fusarium wilt, and gray-leaf spot.
- Manalu (open-pollinated). Red skin, for southern gardens. 80 days. Indeterminate. Resists gray-leaf spot.
- Manalucie (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, firm, meaty to 7 ounces. 87 days. Indeterminate. F. Resists cracking, sunscald, and blossom-end rot. Popular in the South.
- Manapal (open-pollinated). Red skin, large fruit, a good grower in southern gardens. 85 days. Indeterminate. Crack-free, resistant to fusarium wilt, gray-leaf spot, leaf mold, and blossom-end rot.
- Marzano Lampadina Extra (open-pollinated). Paste. Red-skinned, yields fruits 2- to 3 ounces, easy to peel. 80 days. Determinate. From Italy.
- Napoli (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Bright red, small, plum-shaped, fruit averages 2 ounces, meaty. 80 days. Determinate. Compact plant.
- New Zealand Pear (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Red-skinned, green-shouldered, pear-shaped. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Oxheart (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, heart-shaped to 2 pounds. 86 days. Indeterminate. Protect from sunscald.
- Pearson (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned globe-shaped fruit to 3 inches in diameter for slicing and canning; old-fashioned tomato flavor. 80 days. Determinate.
- Pearson A-1 Improved (open-pollinated). Red-skinned, smoother, slightly smaller fruit than Pearson to 7 ounces. 90 days. Semi-determinate.
- Perfect Peel (hybrid). Canning. Red-skin, fruit to 6 ounces, easy to peel. 80 days. Determinate.
- Pink Ponderosa (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Pink Plum (open-pollinated). Salad tomato. Red-skinned, plum-shaped to 2 inches in diameter; excellent flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate. Resists cracking.
- Pondeheart (open-pollinated). Pink fruit, a Japanese cross of Oxheart and Ponderosa, yields large fruit; nonacid fruit. 85 days. Indeterminate.
- Ponderosa, Pink Ponderosa, Pink Beefsteak (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Pink-skinned large, flattened, globe-shaped to 16 ounces or more; mild flavor. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Purple Calabash (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Purple-skinned large, flattened, globe-shaped to 16 ounces or more; mild flavor. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Ramapo (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Deep crimson skin, thick walls to 9 ounces. 80 days. Indeterminate. VF. Resists cracking, and blossom-end rot.
- Red Chief VFN (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Bright red skin, globe-shaped; excellent flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate. VFN.
- Rocky (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Red-skinned, large, plum-shaped to 4 inches in diameter, meaty; sweet and tangy flavor. 90 days. Indeterminate.
- Royal Ace (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned; larger fruit than Ace. 80 days. Determinate. VF.
- Russian Red (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Scarlet red fruit, round, averages 4 to 8 ounces; good flavor. 80 days. Determinate. Tolerant of lower temperatures.
- Rutgers Hybrid F (hybrid). Slicing tomato. 80 days. Semi-determinate. F.
- Rutgers Hybrid VF (hybrid). Slicing tomato. 80 days. Semi-determinate. VF.
- San Marzano (open-pollinated). Red-skinned, meaty fleshed fruit averages 5 to 6 ounces for salads and sauce; delicious, balanced flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate. Heavy yields on tall vines.
- San Pablo (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Red-skinned. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- □ Square Tomato (open-pollinated). Red, skinned, blocky with rounded shoulders. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Stakeless (open-pollinated). Red skin, fruit to 8 ounces with few seeds, good for patio growing. 80 days. Determinate. Resistant to fusarium wilt, and early blight; resists sunscald.
- Stone (open-pollinated). Canning. Red-skin, fruit to 6- to 7 ounces. 84 days. Determinate.
- Sunray (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Similar to Jubilee. 80 days. Indeterminate. F.
- Super Italian Paste (open-pollinated). Paste tomato. Red-skinned, large, meaty, plum-shaped fruit averages 10 to 12 ounces; little juice and few seeds; sweet flavored. 80 days. Indeterminate.
- Supermarket (open-pollinated). Red skin, large fruit; delicious flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate. Resists fusarium wilt, gray-leaf spot.
- Super Red (open-pollinated). Red skin, large fruit to 10 ounces; for northeastern gardens. 85 days. Indeterminate. VF.
- Tamiami (open-pollinated). Red skin, 7- to 8-ounce fruit; good foliage cover for humid regions. 82 days. Determinate. VFF.
- Tropic (open-pollinated). Red skin, medium-size fruit for southern gardens. 80 days. Indeterminate. VF; resists gray-leaf spot and mosaic viruses.
- Tropic-Gro (open-pollinated). Red skin, for southern gardens. 82 days. Indeterminate. Resists gray-leaf spot, gray wall.
- Tropic-Red (open-pollinated). Red skin for southern gardens. 80 days. Indeterminate. Resistant to gray-leaf spot, gray wall.
- Trip-L-Crop (open-pollinated). Slicing tomato. Bright red fruit, to 5 inches in diameter and 16 ounces; meaty, mild flavored. 85 days. Indeterminate.
- Tropic (open-pollinated. Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, green-shouldered, flattened, globe-shaped to 10 ounces. 80 days. Indeterminate. Tolerates heat and high humidity. VFN.
- White Beauty (open-pollinated). White skin; very sweet with low acid. 84 days. Indeterminate.
- Winsail (open-pollinated). Pink skin, very large fruit, tall grower. 84 days. Indeterminate.
- Wisconsin Chief (open-pollinated). Red skin with fruit to one pound. 80 days. Semi-determinate.
- Wonder Boy (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium to large fruit. 80 days. Indeterminate. VFN.
- VFN Bush (open-pollinated). Red-skinned, firm, medium fruit to 6 ounces. 80 days, Determinate. VFN.
- Vineripe (hybrid). Slicing tomato. Red-skinned, medium firm fruit to 9 ounces. 80 days. Indeterminate. VFN.
- Yellow Jumbo (open-pollinated). Yellow fruit with large fruit. 80 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom.
- Yellow Ruffled (open-pollinated). Stuffing tomato. Yellow-skinned with ridges to 3½ inches in diameter; excellent flavor. 80 days. Indeterminate. Productive.
Related articles:
How to Harvest and Store Tomatoes
Epsom Salt, Milk, and Organic Fertilizers for Tomatoes and Peppers
Tomato articles at Harvest to Table:
How to Plant and Grow Tomatoes
How to Choose a Tomato for Your Garden
Growing Tomatoes in Containers
Growing Early Season Tomatoes for Great Taste
Epsom Salt, Milk, and Organic Fertilizers for Tomatoes and Peppers
How to Prevent Blossom Drop – Tomatoes and Peppers
How to Harvest and Store Tomatoes
Nine Ways to Cook and Serve Tomatoes
Tomato Sauce–Basic, Herbed, or Vegetables Added
How to Make Tomato Juice Simply
How to Home Can Tomatoes for Beginners
How to Sun Dry and Oven Dry Tomatoes
Tomato Growing Problems Troubleshooting
How to Prevent Tomato Blossom Drop
How to Identify Early Blight, Late Blight, and Leaf Spot
Tomato Hornworm Organic Pest Control
Garden Planning Books at Amazon:
- Vegetable Garden Almanac & Planner
- Kitchen Garden Grower’s Guide Vegetable Encyclopedia
- Vegetable Garden Grower’s Guide
- Tomato Grower’s Answer Book