Many trees, shrubs, and perennials are grown especially for their autumn foliage color. Autumn is a time when many deciduous plants and a few evergreens make their presence known. Many people find the colors of autumn the loveliest of the year.
Autumn plant color is part of the natural processes which begin with the shortening of daylight and cooling temperatures as the first frost approaches. The intensity of autumn foliage color can vary from one region to another and from year to year. This is usually due to prevailing weather conditions. The ideal conditions for the most remarkable autumn color is a cool, wet autumn with little wind and no frost; these conditions produce a slow, steady change in foliage color as leaves hand on shrubs and trees for the longest possible time.
The chemistry of autumn foliage color is centered within each leaf where carotene (red and orange) persists have the chlorophyll (green) in a leaf has almost gone. Tannins in some plants accounts for brilliant yellows.
Position trees and shrubs grown for autumn color where they can make the greatest seasonal statement. Set them against a backdrop of evergreens or where the blue autumn sky will help them standout. Exposure to full sun, especially in the second half of the day, will give the best effect. A number of trees and shrubs produce their best color when grown in slightly acid soil.
Here a few trees, shrubs, perennials, vines with outstanding autumn foliage color.
Click on the red botanical name for photos and growing details.

Trees with Colorful Autumn and Winter Foliage
Botanical Name | Common Name | Zone |
Acer spp. | Maples | 5-9 |
Acer griseum | Paperback maple | 4-8 |
Acer negundo | Ash-leaved maple | 5-8 |
Acer palmatum var. dissectum | Japanese maple | 6-8 |
Acer platanoides | Norway maple | 3-7 |
Aesculus pavia | Red buckeye | 5-9 |
Amelanchier canadensis | Shadblow | 3-7 |
Arbutus x andrachnoides | Strawberry tree | 8-9 |
Betula ermanii | Erman’s birch | 5-8 |
Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Katsura tree | 4-8 |
Crataegus crus-galli | Cockspur hawthorn | 4-7 |
Cryptomeria japonica | Japanese cedar | 6-9 |
Ficus carica | Common fig | 6-9 |
Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’ | Raywood Ash | 6-9 |
Ginkgo biloba | Maidenhair tree | 5-9 |
Hamamelis x intermedia | Witch hazel | 5-9 |
Koelreuteria paniculata | Golden-rain tree | 6-9 |
Larix decidua | European larch | 3-6 |
Liquidamber styraciflua | Sweetgum | 7-9 |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip tree | 4-9 |
Malus hupehensis | Tea crabapple | 5-8 |
Malus tschonoskii | Crabapple | 5-8 |
Nyssa sylvatica | Tupelo | 5-9 |
Ostrya carpinifolia | European hornbeam | 6-9 |
Oxydendrum arboreum | Sorrel tree | 5-9 |
Parrotia persica | Persian ironwood | 4-7 |
Populus alba | White poplar | 4-9 |
Populus sargentii | Sargent poplar | 4-9 |
Pseudolarix amabalis | Golden larch | 5-9 |
Pterocarya fraxinifoia | Caucasian wingnut | 6-9 |
Pyrus calleryana | Callery pear | 5-8 |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Black loqust | 4-9 |
Sorbus alnifolia | Korean mountain ash | 5-8 |
Stewartia sinensis | Stuartia | 5-8 |
Taxodium distichum | Bald cypress | 5-11 |
Toona sinensis | Toona | 5-8 |

Shrubs with Colorful Autumn and Winter Foliage
Botanical Name | Common Name | Zone |
Berberis spp. | Barberry | 6-9 |
Calluna vulgaris | Scotch heather | 5-7 |
Ceratostigma willmottianum | Chinese plumbago | 6-9 |
Cornus kousa | Kousa dogwood | 5-8 |
Cornus nuttallii | Pacific dogwood | 7-8 |
Coronilla valentina | Coronilla | 8-9 |
Cotinus coggygria | Smoke bush | 5-9 |
Daboecia cantabrica | Irish heath | 6-8 |
Decaisnea fargesii | Decaisnea | 7-9 |
Disanthus cercidifolius | Disanthus | 5-8 |
Enkianthus campanulatus | Redvein enkianthus | 5-8 |
Euonymous fortunei | Wintercreeper | 5-9 |
Fothergilla major | Large fothergilla | 5-8 |
Hamamelis mollis | Chinese witch hazel | 5-9 |
Lagerstroemia indica | Crape myrtle | 7-9 |
Lindera obtusiloba | Japanese spicebush | 4-9 |
Paliurus spina-christi | Christ’s thorn | 7-9 |
Prunus incisa | Fuji cherry | 4-9 |
Ptelea trifoliata | Hop tree | 5-9 |
Pyracantha coccinea ‘Mohave’ | Scarlet firethorn | 6-9 |
Rhododendron and azaleas deciduous varieties | Rhododendrons and azaleas | 4-7 |
Rhus typhina | Staghorn sumac | 3-8 |
Rubus phoenicolasius | Wineberry | 4-8 |
Spirea japonica ‘Goldflame’ | Japanese spirea | 4-9 |
Stephanandra tanakae | Stephanadra | 6-8 |
Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii | Snowberry | 4-7 |
Vaccinium corymbosum | Highbush blueberry | 3-7 |
Viburnum opulus | European cranberry | 3-8 |
Viburnum plicatum | Doublefile viburnum | 4-8 |
Viburnum tinus | Viburnum | 8-10 |

Perennials and Climbers with Colorful Autumn and Winter Foliage
Botanical Name | Common Name | Zone |
Ampelopsis spp. | Monkshood vine | 5-8 |
Azolla filiculoides | Fairy moss | 7-11 |
Brassia scoparia | Brassia orchid | 10-11 |
Celastrus orbiculatus | Bittersweet vine | 4-8 |
Chiastophyllum oppositifolium | Chiastophyllum | 6-9 |
Dregea sinensis | Dregea vine | 8-10 |
Epimedium grandiflorum | Bishops’s hat | 5-8 |
Festuca glauca | Blue fescue | 4-8 |
Hakonechloa macra | Hakonechloa | 5-9 |
Helleborus argutifoius | Corsican hellebore | 6-9 |
Holboellia coriacea | Holboellia vine | 10-11 |
Humulus lupulus | Hops | 4-8 |
Imperata cylindrica | Japanese blood grass | 5-9 |
Miscanthus sinensis | Eulalia grass | 6-9 |
Ophiopogon planiscapus | Lilyturf | 6-11 |
Parthenocissus henryana | Chinese parthenocissus | 8-9 |
Parthenocissus tricuspidata | Boston ivy | 4-8 |
Persicara affinis | Himalayan knotweed | 3-8 |
Rubus tricolor | Creeping bramble | 7-9 |
Tiarella wherryi | Foam flower | 4-7 |
Vitis coignetiae | Crimson glory vine | 5-9 |
Vitis vinifera | Grape | 6-9 |
Also of interest:
Ten Autumn Blooming Perennials for Sun or Part Sun