From the Garden
How to Grow Care Sweet Peas — Lathyrus
Lathyrus–commonly called sweet pea–are a rainbow of colors; some grow as bushes, others as vines climbing arches and trellises. The pea-like sweet pea flowers are dainty, fragrant, and showy. Flowers grow from long, winged stems, often with tendrils. In mild-winter regions, plant sweet peas in late summer for early winter blooms. In cold-winter regions, plant […] More
How to Grow Globeflower — Trollius
Trollius bears large, rounded blooms, thus the common name globeflower. Blooms range from pale cream to orange. Flowers are commonly 2 inches (5cm) across. Trollius grows in full sun or partial shade. It does not like heat or drought so avoid planting it where afternoons are sunny and hot. Trollius will thrive around pond edges […] More
How to Grow Blue-Eyed Grass — Sisyrinchium
Sisyrinchium – commonly called Blue-eyed grass–bears star, cup, or shallowly trumpet-shaped flowers that can be blue, yellow, mauve, white, and occasionally pink. The flowers appear in summer and are borne singly or in umbel-like clusters. Sisyrinchium despite its common name is not a grass; it is a relative of the iris. Sisyrinchium produces clumps of linear […] More
How to Grow Bishop’s Hats — Epimedium
Epimedium–commonly called bishop’s hats–is a low-growing plant with foliage that is bronzy pink in spring, green in summer, and bronzy in autumn. In spring Epimedium produces loose spikes of small, waxy flowers that resemble tiny columbines. Flowers can be pink, red, red-orange, creamy yellow, or white. Epimedium is a good choice as a ground cover […] More
Fig Trees: How to Plant, Grow, and Prune Figs
Figs are one of the sweetest fruits. Figs can be purple, green, yellow, or white-skinned depending on the variety. The flesh can range from gold to deep red. When ripe the moist flesh is intensely sweet and the skin is edible. Figs are easy to grow and mostly trouble-free. They grow best where winters are […] More
How to Grow Vegetable Amaranth — Tampala
Vegetable amaranth–often called tampala or Chinese spinach–is a quick-growing annual that produces an abundance of edible leaves. The leaves can be harvested cut-and-come-again over several weeks. Vegetable amaranth is a tropical plant that grows best in warm weather where the average low temperature is 68°F (20°C) through the growing season. It is a warm-weather, summer […] More