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in Weeds
Henbit Organic Weed Control
Henbit is a broad-leafed plant that grows as an annual but also as a biennial and short-lived perennial. It is also known as dead nettle, bee nettle, and Lamium. Botanical name: Lamium amplexicaule Organic Weed Control at Amazon Henbit description and life cycle Henbit root system Henbit has a fibrous root system. Henbit can root […] More
in Weeds
Plantain Organic Weed Control
Plantain is a perennial plant, usually a weed. There are two common species of plantain—the broadleaf plantain and the buckthorn plantain. Plantain has thick, egg-shaped, wavy-edged leaves that grow from a ground-hugging rosette. Plantain weed thrives in rich, moist, compacted soil. Plantain grows from seed and from resprouting roots. The leaves are so wide and […] More
in Weeds
Morning Glory Organic Weed Control
Morning glories are summer-growing perennial and annual plants commonly grown for their colorful funnel-shaped flowers. Morning glories become weedy when they are allowed to twine around other plants and objects and when allowed to re-seed and grow uncontrolled. Botanical name: Ipomea purpurea Organic Weed Control at Amazon Morning glory description and life cycle Morning glory […] More
in Weeds
Dandelion Benefits and Organic Control
Dandelions are perennial plants. They flower beginning in early spring and continue through the summer. Botanical name: Taraxacum officinale Organic Weed Control at Amazon Dandelion description and life cycle Dandelion root system Dandelion has a strong taproot that it is commonly 6 to 18 inches deep but can penetrate to a depth of 10 feet […] More
in Weeds
Black Nightshade Organic Weed Control
Black nightshade—also called deadly nightshade–is the most common of several nightshade weeds. The nightshades are close relatives of tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. The leaves and berries of nightshades contain toxic alkaloids that are harmful to humans and animals. Hairy nightshade and cut leaf nightshade are two other garden weeds similar to black nightshade. Nightshades are […] More
in Weeds
Chickweed Organic Weed Control
Chickweed is an annual plant that competes vigorously with other plants. It is edible. Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a low-growing annual or perennial herbaceous plant commonly found in lawns, gardens, and disturbed areas. It has small, star-shaped white flowers with five deeply notched petals, making it appear to have ten petals. Its leaves are oval, […] More
in Weeds
Bindweed Organic Weed Control
Bindweed is a perennial vine with round white blossoms. There are two common species of bindweed: field bindweed and hedge bindweed. Bindweeds look somewhat like morning glories. Botanical name: Field Bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis; Hedge Bindweed, Calystegia sepium Organic Weed Control at Amazon Bindweed description and life cycle Bindweed root system Bindweed has both deep vertical […] More
in Weeds
Crabgrass Organic Weed Control
Crabgrass is an annual summer weed. It infests lawns, vegetable gardens, ornamental gardens, orchards, and vineyards. Botanical name: Digitaria, various species Organic Weed Control at Amazon Crabgrass description and life cycle Crabgrass root system Crabgrass has a shallow central root. Stems sprawl like a crab from the crown. The plant can set down new roots […] More
in Weeds
Canada Thistle Organic Weed Control
The Canada thistle is a broad-leafed weedy plant that invades gardens, orchards, vineyards, and roadsides. The Canada thistle is a perennial plant that grows wide and sends up new colonies as far as its tough horizontal roots can reach. Some species of thistles can also be annuals and biennials. Botanical name: Cirsium arvense Organic Weed […] More
in Weeds
Nutsedge Organic Weed Control
Nutsedge is a perennial plant that resembles grass. It reproduces by seed and almond-shaped tubers at the end of running roots. Botanical name: Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge); Cyperus rotundus (purple nutsedge) Organic Weed Control at Amazon Nutsedge description and life cycle Nutsedge root system Nutsedge has a horizontal underground rhizome root system that can spread […] More
in Weeds
Stinging Nettle Organic Weed Control
Stinging nettle is a perennial plant. Skin contact with stinging nettle commonly causes welts. Botanical name: Urtica dioica; a related plant is burning nettle or small nettle (Utica urens) Organic Weed Control at Amazon Stinging nettle description and life cycle Stinging nettle root system Stinging nettle has an extensive underground root system of rhizomes that […] More
in Weeds
Knotweed Organic Weed Control
Knotweed grows from long-lived rhizomes but plants live as annuals growing in lawns, vegetable gardens, and ornamental gardens especially where the soil is compacted. Botanical name: Polygonum aviculare Organic Weed Control at Amazon Knotwood description and life cycle Knotweed root system Knotweed grows from fibrous roots that produce spreading rhizomes. Each lateral shoot can extend […] More