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in Featured Lists, List, Shrubs
Six Late Winter, Early Spring Blooming Shrubs
Some shrubs like to get an early start on the season. Even though it is cold outside, and even snow on the ground, here are six shrubs that will start their bloom season in late winter (even as early as January). These shrubs will reliably bloom into early spring and some into late spring or […] More
Hardy Annuals for Your Flower Garden
Annuals are plants that bloom in the same year that they are planted. A hardy annual is an annual plant that can tolerate frost and its seeds can tolerate a cold winter. The seeds of hardy annuals can be sown in the open garden in early spring or autumn. The seeds of hardy annuals can […] More
Annual and Perennial Flowers for Shade
Few garden annuals or perennials will succeed in dense shade. Where no sun penetrates, the list of plants for growing in shade is almost wholly restricted to plants native to thick woodlands. Where there are two or three hours of sun each day, or flickering shade from trees, some garden favorites will bloom satisfactorily. Get […] More
in Featured Lists, List, Trees
Evergreen Trees for Privacy Planting
Evergreens are plants that hold their foliage from season to season. Evergreen trees are well-suited as privacy plants. They create year-round living walls that can shield a garden or property from outside view. Evergreens can be divided into two classes: conifers or narrow-leaved evergreens and broad-leaved evergreens. Both conifers and broad-leaved evergreen trees can vary […] More