Guzmania is a genus of tropical plants in the bromeliad family, known for its bold, colorful flower spikes and lush, green foliage. These plants are native to Central and South America, where they thrive in humid, tropical environments. Guzmanias are prized for their dramatic, long-lasting bracts, which can appear in vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow, pink, or purple, and for their ease of care as houseplants.
Guzmania can be grown outdoors in any region where temperatures do not fall below 59°F (15°C), otherwise, they must be grown in a warm greenhouse or indoors as a houseplant.
Outdoors Guzmania should be grown in partial shade attached to the branches of a tree. Indoors it can be potted in a bromeliad growing medium where it can be grown in bright indirect light. Guzmania needs a humid location; it should be misted daily indoors.
Guzmania is a genus of about 180 species native to tropical and subtropical southern Africa, Australasia, and South America.
Guzmania Description
- Foliage: Guzmanias have long, arching, green leaves that grow in a rosette form. The leaves are usually smooth and can grow quite wide, creating a lush, tropical appearance.
- Flowers: The main attraction of Guzmania is the brightly colored bracts, which are modified leaves that resemble flowers. These bracts can last for several months and often hide the true, smaller flowers that bloom within.
- Growth Habit: Most Guzmanias are compact, with sizes ranging from small tabletop plants to larger specimens suitable for floor display.
Guzmania Uses in the Garden
- Tropical Gardens: Guzmanias can be used in outdoor tropical or subtropical gardens (USDA Zones 10-12), where their vibrant colors make excellent accent plants. They can be grown directly in the ground or in containers and work well when planted alongside other bromeliads, orchids, or ferns.
- Shady Areas: These plants are ideal for shaded garden areas or under trees, as they prefer indirect light or partial shade in outdoor environments.
- Terrariums and Conservatories: Because of their preference for high humidity and warmth, Guzmanias thrive in conservatories or terrariums where a controlled environment replicates their natural habitat.
Guzmania Uses as a Houseplant
- Indoor Decor: Guzmanias are highly popular as houseplants due to their stunning flowers and low maintenance requirements. They are often used as focal points in indoor plant displays, whether placed on tables, countertops, or windowsills that receive bright, indirect light.
- Air Purifying: Like other bromeliads, Guzmanias help purify indoor air, making them a beneficial addition to living rooms, offices, or bedrooms.
- Low Light Tolerance: Guzmanias can tolerate lower light conditions than many other houseplants, making them suitable for indoor spaces that don’t receive direct sunlight.
- Watering and Maintenance: Guzmanias are epiphytes, meaning they absorb moisture and nutrients through their leaves. Water is typically added to the central “cup” of the plant formed by the rosette of leaves. They don’t require much soil, and their shallow roots make them perfect for pots or even mounting on boards or decorative displays.

Guzmania Care Tips
- Temperature: These tropical plants thrive in temperatures between 60-80°F (16-27°C) and benefit from high humidity levels.Guzmania is a genus of evergreen, mostly tree-growing (epiphytic) perennial bromeliads with colorful floral bracts that can be yellow, orange, or bright red. The bracts and the small yellow flowers they surround are borne above lance-shaped leaves that form funnel-shaped rosettes.
- Water: Fill the central cup with water and occasionally mist the plant to maintain humidity. Be careful not to overwater the soil, as their roots don’t need much moisture.
- Light: Guzmanias prefer bright, indirect light. Too much direct sun can scorch their leaves, while too little light can affect their growth and flowering.
Get to Know Guzmania
- Plant type: Terrestrial or epiphytic bromeliads
- Growing zones and range: Zones 14-15
- Hardiness: Where temperatures drop below 59°F (15°C) grow indoors or in a greenhouse
- Optiaml growing temperature: 60° to 80°F (16° to 27°C)
- Height and width: 12 to 36 inches (30-90cm) tall and wide depending on the variety
- Foliage: Broad, lance-shaped leaves form funnel-shaped rosettes
- Flowers: Tubular flowers, white or yellow, usually ringed by colorful often red, yellow, or orange flower bracts appear on stalks
- Bloom time: Summer
- Uses: Houseplant or tropical garden
- Common name: Guzmania
- Botanical name: Guzmania
- Family name: Gunneraceae
- Origin: Tropical and subtropical southern Africa, Australasia, and South America

Where to Plant Guzmania
- Light: Indoors give Guzmania moderate light from eastern exposure. In winter, tolerates direct sun. Does well under artificial light, needing 16 light-hours daily. Air circulation is important.
- Outdoors grow Guzmania in dappled shade in a humid moist spot. Attach Guzmania to the branches of trees in partial shade.
- Soil: Plant Guzmania in epiphytic or terrestrial bromeliad mix.
When to Plant Guzmania
- Set Guzmania outdoors in a tropical or subtropical location any time during the year.
Planting and Spacing Guzmania
- Space Guzmania 12 to 36 inches (30-90cm) apart depending on the variety.
How to Water and Feed Guzmania
- Water: Keep the plant medium moist, not soggy. Keep fresh water in the plant’s leaf cup except while blooming. Mist daily. Humidity, 45% to 60%.
- Feed: Feed Guzmania monthly, with a mild all-purpose fertilizer. Avoid oil-based products such as fish emulsion. Foliar spray fertilizer. Spray fertilizer on leaves, add to water in cup, or apply to growing medium after watering; never feed a dry plant.
Guzmania Care
- When in growth, mist Guzmania daily in the morning. In winter, do not mist.
Growing Guzmania as a Houseplant
- Grow Guzmania in a warm room with average humidity and indirect light.
- Plant Guzmania in a rich, well-drained, soulless medium and keep it evenly moist.
- Ensure that there is always water in the cup at the base of the plant.
- Fertilize Guzmania monthly with quarter-strength liquid fertilizer.
Guzmania Pests and Diseases
- Guzmania can be attacked by mealybugs and fungi causing leaf spots.
Guzmania Propagation
- Remove offsets and replant them in spring.
- Sow seed in a very warm place.
Guzmania Varieties to Grow
- Guzmania lingulata. Epiphyte; grows to 18 inches (46cm) tall; solid green leaves; small white flowers appear encased within red or pink bracts. There are several popular hybrid cultivars of this species: ‘Major’ also called ‘Broadway’ has leaves thar are red at the base; flowers are white and surrouned by bright red bracts; ‘Minor’ has thin, leathery strap-shaped leaves that are yellow-green with vertical maroon strip; bracts are orange-red around white flowers.
- G. monostachia. Grows to 16 inches (41cm) tall; light green leaves; white flowers surrounded by orange-tipped white bracts borne on a long stalk.
- G. musaica. Terrestrial plant; leaves to 30 inch (76cm) long with dark green lines on tops and purple lines on undersides; flowers are yellow, golden bracts have pink markings.
- G. sanguinea. Stemless species; grows to 8 inches (20cm) tall; inner leaves in rosette turn red before green and white flowers emerge.
- G. zahnii. Grows to 20 inches (51cm) tall; leaves form a spreading rosette; flowers are bright yellow.
- G. zahnii var. variegata has leaves striped with pink, white, and green.