Annuals are plants that bloom in the same year that they are planted. A hardy annual is an annual plant that can tolerate frost and its seeds can tolerate a cold winter.
The seeds of hardy annuals can be sown in the open garden in early spring or autumn. The seeds of hardy annuals can germinate in cold soil and the seedlings and mature plants can withstand frost.
The seeds of hardy annuals also can winter over outdoors and germinate the following spring. (There are hardy, half-hardy, and tender annuals. Tender annuals are plants that are easily killed by a light frost and their seeds can not survive outdoors through winter. Half-hardy annuals can withstand light frost, but their seed can not overwinter outdoors in cold regions.)
Hardy annuals can withstand frosts in autumn and winter as well as spring. They can be started in late summer or early fall and will grow until killed by a hard freeze. A hard freeze is several hours of temperatures at 28°F (-2.2°C) or colder.
Hardy annuals are a good choice for early spring and late summer and early autumn planting. They do not grow well in the warm time of the year; most hardy annuals will bolt and set seed when temperatures climb into the 80°sF (26°sC).
Grow hardy annuals in late winter and early spring. Grow tender annuals in summer. Grow hardy annuals again in autumn and winter.

Hardy Annuals
A-G Common Name | Botanical Name |
Baby blue-eyes | Nemophila menziesii |
Basket flower | Centaurea americana |
Blanketflower | Gallardia pulchella |
California poppy | Eschscholzia californica |
Calliopsis | Coreopsis tinctoria |
Chinese forget-me-not | Cynoglossum amabile |
Globe candytuft | Iberis umbellata |
Gloriosa daisy | Rudbeckia hirta |

F-P Common Name | Botanical Name |
Field poppy | Papver rhoeas |
Flowering cabbage and kale | Brassica oleracea |
Flowering flax | Linum grandiflorum |
Forget-me-not | Myosotis sylvatica |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea ‘Foxy’ |
Johnny-jump-up | Viola tricolor |
Mountain phlox | Lianthus spp. |
Pansy | Viola x wittrockiana |
Pot marigold | Calendula spp. |

R-Z Common Name | Botanical Name |
Rocket candytuft | Iberis amara |
Rose campion | Lychnis coronaria |
Rose of heaven | Lychnis coeli-rosa |
Satin flower | Clarkia spp. |
Spider flower | Cleome spp. |
Stock | Matthiola incana |
Sunflower | Helianthus spp. |
Sweet alyssum | Lobularia maritima |
Sweet William | Dianthus barbatus |
Texas bluebonnet | Lupinus texensis |
Toadflax | Linaria maroccana |
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