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    Seed Starting Guide

    Seed Starting Basics1

    Starting plants from seed is easy. You can start vegetables, herbs, and flowers from seed. Seed starting requires a bit of time and space. The effort will be rewarding. Many more varieties of vegetables and flowers–both annuals and perennials– are available in seed than are young seedlings or starts offered at garden centers or nurseries. […] More

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    Vegetable Seed Starting Indoors and Out

    Beans started from seed in the garden

    There are three ways to get your vegetable garden growing: Starting seed indoors will give you the following: Good Products for Seed Starting Success at Amazon: Crops best started from seed in the garden Some crops are not easily transplanted into the garden. These crops simply want to be handled as little as possible; they […] More

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    Starting Vegetables Indoors: 15 Varieties for Success

    Seedlings started indoors

    Starting vegetable seeds indoors will give you a head start on the growing season–extend your growing season–and make your garden more productive. Starting seeds indoors eliminates one of the biggest unpredictables of vegetable gardening–poor outdoor germination conditions. Light, temperature, water, nutrients, and spacing are planned and regulated indoors; seeds find it much easier to grow […] More

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    Vegetable Seed Germination

    Seedling emerging from soil

    Seeds sprout through a process called germination. Different vegetables have different germination requirements. It’s important to know the germination requirements of the seeds you are planting to ensure success. Germination–depending upon the type of seed–requires just the right conditions for growth–usually an abundant supply of water, an adequate supply of oxygen, and the proper temperature. […] More

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    Seed and Seedling Failure Troubleshooting

    Seedling emerging

    Successful seed and seedlings’ growth depends on moisture, warmth, air, and light. Seeds and seedlings require optimal temperatures, even watering, open-air circulation, and bright light to thrive. When a seed fails to sprout or a seedling fails to thrive there is usually a simple and easily correctable reason. Here are the most common reasons seeds […] More

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    Peat Pellet Buyer’s Guide

    Peat pellets in starting tray

    Peat pellets are used for seed starting. Peat pellets are compressed disks of dehydrated peat moss and other organic materials. They are used to germinate seeds indoors before transplanting seedlings into the garden. A peat pellet is a self-contained pot and planting medium all in one. When it comes to gardening and horticulture, peat pellets […] More