• How to Grow a Winter Vegetable Garden

    Cabbage seedling and frost1

    Many vegetables can be grown in winter and harvested in winter or early spring. Some vegetables take most of a year to mature; they are planted in spring and harvested in winter. Other vegetables can be sown in midsummer or early autumn for autumn and winter harvest. Vegetables for winter harvest include leeks, salad leaves, […] More

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  • CCSF Garden

    The garden in June.

    Welcome to the CCSF Garden page. Get updates on what’s happening in the garden this week. No meetings scheduled. Past meetings: Scroll down through the updates to see what’s been planted, what’s growing, and expected harvest. Wednesday July 24: Watering. Harvest zucchini and tomatoes. Wednesday July 17: Harvest peas, beans, tomatoes, zucchini. Plant strawberries. Prepared […] More

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  • How to Grow Winter Aconites — Eranthis

    Eranthis–commonly called winter aconites–is a late winter and early spring blooming bulb grown for its bright yellow cup-shaped flowers. Eranthis blooms even before crocuses. Eranthis flowers appear immediately above basal leaves that frame the flower. Eranthis can be grown as an early spring carpet flower. It naturalizes easily even in grass. Eranthis grows from short […] More

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  • How to Grow Summer and Winter Squash

    Squash plant leaves flower fruit1

    Native Americans called it isquoutersquash. The British call it marrow. Squash is the American English term. Zucchini, summer squash, winter squash, and pumpkins grow best once the air temperature averages 65ºF (18ºC). That means squash can be sown in late spring just about everywhere, and if you live in a long-growing season region where the […] More

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  • Seed Saving to Save Money in Your Garden

    Germinating seeds

    Seed saving is a centuries-old practice that allows gardeners and farmers to preserve and propagate the best plant varieties year after year. It involves the careful selection and harvesting of seeds from healthy and productive plants, ensuring the continuation of favorable traits. By saving seeds, gardeners can maintain biodiversity, adapt crops to local growing conditions, […] More

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  • Storing Vegetables for Winter Use

    Winter squash

    When harvest time comes for each crop in your vegetable garden, the best specimens are best used right away–send them straight to the table.  Good specimens that you can’t use fresh, store for later use. Crops that are damaged should still be picked and sent to the compost pile. Harvest varies from crop to crop […] More

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  • Small Vegetable Garden Space Savers

    Beans Growing on Strings1

    Space must be conserved in every possible way in a small vegetable garden. Here are five tips for getting the most out of a small garden: Vertical growing Garden vertically as much as you can. Use the up-and-down space in your garden and conserve your ground space. Use a single square foot of your garden […] More

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  • How to Harvest, Cure, and Store Winter Squash

    IMG 1772

    Harvest winter squashes when they are mature. Winter squash is mature when its rind cannot be scratched with a thumbnail. Winter squashes include Acorn, Butternut, Hubbard, Banana, Buttercup, Spaghetti, and pumpkins. Winter squash refers to squash planted in spring, grown in summer, harvested in fall, and stored for winter use. Winter squashes require more days […] More

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  • Centipedes and Millipedes in the Garden


    Centipedes and millipedes are generally beneficial creatures. Centipedes feed on soil-dwelling mites, insects, insect larvae, baby snails, and slugs. (They paralyze small insect prey with venomous claws.) Millipedes feed on decaying plant tissue and fallen fruit. Together centipedes and millipedes help break down organic matter enriching the soil by helping to create humus. Sometimes centipedes […] More

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  • How to Start a Vegetable Garden

    Pole beans

    Starting a vegetable garden can be fun and an inexpensive way to bring healthy food to your kitchen table. But it can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. The secret to getting started with vegetable gardening is to take a little time to make a plan. Take a look at your yard […] More

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  • Vegetable Garden Planning

    Garden bed planning1

    Experienced gardener or new gardener your gardening success will be greatly helped by planning the garden before you begin the growing season. The purpose of a garden plan is to make your work less and your returns more. A garden plan and a couple of supporting lists can guide you through this growing season and […] More

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