• How to Plant and Grow Snap Beans

    How to Grow Beans

    Snap beans–also called green beans–are tender annuals best planted shortly after the last frost in spring. Snap beans are grown for fresh eating or for canning. The color of snap beans can vary. Green beans are green but other snap beans can be yellow, purple, or speckled depending on the variety. Yellow snap beans are […] More

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  • Five Ways to Quick Cook and Serve Snap Beans

    Green beans

    Fresh, tender snap beans have a delicate flavor that is delicious eaten raw or just lightly cooked. Both the immature seeds and seed pods are edible. Green beans are snap beans, but snap beans can also be yellow, purple, and splotched in multiple colors. The peak season for fresh local snap beans is late spring […] More

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  • How to Harvest and Store Snap Beans

    Bean Harvest bigstock Green Bean Basket 816102 scaled

    Harvest snap beans (also known as green or string beans) before the seeds swell in the pods when they are no more than the diameter of a pencil. Smaller beans can be served as tender, baby snap beans. When to harvest snap beans Related articles: How to harvest snap beans How to store snap beans […] More

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  • How to Can Green Snap Beans for Beginners

    Greens beans

    Green beans are easy to can. You pick them, quickly snap or cut them in half or short pieces, simmer them for four minutes or less, pack them in jars, and process them in the canner for less than half an hour. Canned beans are delicious and versatile; they can be served as a side […] More

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  • Green Snap Beans with Garlic

    Here is a simple recipe for les haricots verts à l’ail or green beans with garlic. Serve this simple side dish with pasta, chicken, steak, or salmon. This recipe comes from La Cuisine du Comté de Nice by Jacques Médecin. Médecin was the mayor of Nice and also a chef in that city for many […] More

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  • All About Dried Beans — Growing and Cooking

    MIxed dry beans

    Dried beans are cooked and served in many ways–in salads, soups, casseroles, stews, and chilis. Dried beans can be served alone or as a side dish with meat or pasta or rice. Dried beans are commonly boiled and then sometimes baked or refried. Dried beans are beans whose seeds are dried and shelled after reaching […] More

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  • Shell Beans Serving Tips

    Beans cranberry

    Shell beans are any members of the legume family that are shucked or shelled. All beans grow in pods. Shell beans are cooked and served after they have been shelled. The pod is not eaten. Shell beans include black-eyed peas, cranberry beans, fava beans, and lima beans. Shell beans are also called shellies, shellouts, shelly […] More

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  • Five Ways to Cook and Serve Fava Beans

    Fava bean salad

    The fava bean—which is also known as the broad bean, English bean, Windsor bean, and horsebean–can be eaten fresh or dried. As fava beans mature, their flavor grows increasingly starchy and strong. The smallest beans—less than the size of a small fingernail—are the sweetest. The outer skins of medium- and large-sized fava beans have a […] More

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  • How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Chickpeas, Garbanzo Beans

    Garbanzo beans2

    The chickpea or garbanzo bean is a cool-season annual that requires about 100 days to reach harvest. Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans and gram, are regarded as beans, but botanically are neither beans nor peas. Chickpea is a tender annual legume. Related article: Chickpea quick growing tips Garden Planning Books at Amazon: Planting chickpeas Chickpea […] More

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  • How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Lima Beans

    Climbing lima beans

    Lima beans are tender annuals grown for their flat, crescent-oval-shaped seeds. There are two types of lima beans: bush and pole or vine varieties. Bush types grow to about 2 feet tall (.6m) and tend to have smaller seeds; they bear more quickly than pole lima bean varieties. Pole lima beans have large seeds and […] More

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