• 20 Flowering Annuals for Cutting

    Annual flowers from the garden can be cut for artistic arrangement and enjoyment in the home. Annuals grown from seed will flower in the time of one season or year. Annuals come to us from almost all parts of the world. Most are highly adaptable and will provide bloom and fragrance from early spring to […] More

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  • 16 Drought-Tolerant Annuals

    There are many flowering annuals that don’t need much moisture to look great. They have adapted to environments with hot sunny conditions or prolonged dry spells. If drought or water restrictions are common where you live, choose plants that can get along without ample water. Grow drought-tolerant plants to make your garden less water-dependent. They […] More

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  • Deer-Resistant Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs

    Deer-resistant plants are plants deer tend to not eat. If deer are hungry enough they will eat practically any kind of plant. This list includes annuals, perennials, and bulbs that deer have turned away from in many gardens; there is no guarantee they will not eat them in your garden. As a general rule, deer […] More

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  • 20 Fragrant Annuals and Perennials

    Fragrant annuals and perennials bring delight to the garden. In planting fragrant annuals and perennials consider first the place and circumstance. Choose annuals and perennials that will grow in your climate, then consider whether the plant will thrive in the sun or shade in the spot you have in mind, then consider the flower color […] More

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  • Drought-Tolerant Annuals and Perennials

    Drought tolerant annuals and perennials are plants that can withstand dry soil after their roots are established. No plant is drought-resistant until it become established. All plants require a steady supply of moisture when first planted. Once a plant is established and has a deep root system, it requires less water. Annuals and perennials started […] More

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  • Hardy Annuals for Your Flower Garden

    Annuals are plants that bloom in the same year that they are planted. A hardy annual is an annual plant that can tolerate frost and its seeds can tolerate a cold winter. The seeds of hardy annuals can be sown in the open garden in early spring or autumn. The seeds of hardy annuals can […] More

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  • How to Grow Annual Red Salvia – Salvia splendens

    Annual red salvia, Salvia splendens, produces spikes of tubular bright scarlet, pink, or white flowers through summer. Annual red salvia is also called scarlet sage. Annual red salvia is an upright tender perennial, grown as an annual, with spear-shaped dark green leaves. Salvia likes full sun or partial shade and humus-rich, well-drained soil. Sage can […] More

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  • How to Grow California Poppy — Eschscholzia

    Eschscholzia is a perennial wildflower native to western North America. It bears brilliant red, pink, yellow, or gold cup-shaped flowers on flexible stems above finely divided fernlike leaves. There are 8 to 10 species of Eschscholzia. Perhaps the most popular is commonly called California poppy which grows wild on hillsides and along roads in the […] More

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  • How to Grow Hollyhocks — Alcea Rosea

    Alcea rosea–commonly called hollyhocks–is a colorful, long-time garden favorite often associated with the back of borders or cottage gardens. Some cultivars grow to 8 feet (2.4m) tall or taller with white, pink, rose, or yellow flowers 6 inches (15cm) across. Hollyhock flowers resemble hibiscus. They open in progression from the bottom up. A foot or […] More

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  • How to Grow Bugloss – Anchusa

    Anchusa–commonly called Bugloss–has vibrant blue flowers, the purest blue of any flower. Italian bugloss is related to forget-me-not (Myosotis) and looks very much the same. It is easy to grow and adds color to the garden. Anchusa is also known as Alkanet, Bugloss, and Summer-forget-me-not. Anchusa genus includes easy-to-grow perennial and biennial plants. They are […] More

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  • How to Grow Spider Flower — Cleome

    Cleome–commonly called spider flower–can add a tropical touch to flower beds and borders. This tall annual bears spiny stems of divided foliage and round clusters of small, spidery white, pink, or purple flowers with a light fragrance in summer. Cleome is a shrubby annual that grows quickly to 4 feet tall (1.2m) or taller and […] More

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  • How to Grow Four-O-Clocks — Mirabilis

    Mirabilis–commonly called four-o-clocks–is a bushy perennial sometimes grown as an annual. Fragrant, red, pink, magenta, yellow, or white flowers are borne on panicles over a long period in summer. In cold winter regions, four-o-clocks can be lifted and stored over the winter. Mirabilis is commonly called “four o’clocks” for their flowers’ habit of opening in […] More

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