Flowering trees are among the most popular ornamental plants. Spring flowering trees are especially valued for the bold way they signal the start of the warm time of the year.
Flowering crab apples, dogwoods, hawthorns, redbuds, and cherries are harbingers of spring. Flowering trees make a tremendous impact in bloom even if many bloom only for a few weeks
If you have room in your garden, include at least one tree that will bloom in spring. Set flowering trees against a backdrop of evergreens or place them where they will stand out against the spring sky.
How to choose a flowering tree
When choosing a flowering tree consider the following: (1) will the tree grow and thrive in your region, your growing zone; (2) what will be the height and spread of the tree at maturity–be sure it will fit in your garden; (3) where is the best location to feature the tree; do you have room for the impact of three or more flowering trees; (4) does the tree have additional features–colorful bark, fall leaf color, or colorful fruit.

Spring flowering trees
A-C Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Acacia, Bailey | Acacia baileyana | 8-10 |
Cherry, Kwanzan | Prunus serrulate ‘Kwanzan’ | 5-8 |
Cherry, Sargent | Prunus sargentii | 4-7 |
Cherry, weeping Higan | Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula’ | 4-8 |
Cherry, Yoshina | Prunus x yedoensis | 5-8 |
Chokecherry, Amur | Prunus maackii | 2-6 |
Crabapple | Malus spp. | 5-8 |
Crimson bottlebrush | Callistemon citrinus | 8-11 |

D-M Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Desert willow | Chilopsis linearis | 8-9 |
Dogwood, flowering | Cornus florida | 5-9 |
Dogwood, Kousa | Cornus kousa | 5-8 |
Fringe tree, Chinese | Chionanthus retusus | 6-8 |
Hawthorn, thornless cockspur | Crataegus crus-galli ‘Inermis’ | 4-7 |
Hawthorn, Washington | Crataegus phaenopyrum | 3-9 |
Magnolia, saucer | Magnolia x soulangiana | 5-9 |
Magnolia, star | Magnolia stellata | 5-9 |
Magnolia, sweet bay | Magnolia virginiana | 5-9 |

M-R Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Maple, red | Acer rubrum | 3-9 |
Mayday tree | Prunus padus commutata | 3-6 |
Mesquite | Prosopis glandulosa | 10-11 |
Mountain ash, European | Sorbus aucuparia | 3-6 |
Palo verde, Texas | Cercidium texanum | 9-10 |
Pear, callery | Pyrus calleryana | 4-8 |
Plum, Newport | Prunus cerasifera ‘Newport’ | 4-8 |
Plum, purple leaf | Prunus cerasifera ‘Atropurpurea’ | 4-8 |
Redbud | Cercis canadensis | 3-9 |
Russian olive | Elaegnus angustifolia | 3-8 |

S-Z Common Name | Botanical Name | Zone |
Sea grape | Coccoloba uvifera | 10-11 |
Serviceberry, Allegheny | Amelanchier laevis | 4-8 |
Serviceberry, downy | Amelanchier aborea | 4-9 |
Serviceberry, shadblow | Amelanchier canadensis | 3-8 |
Snowbell, Japanese | Styrax japonicus | 5-8 |
Trumpet tree | Tabebuia chrysotricha | 10-11 |
Yellowwood, American | Cladrastis kentukea | 6-8 |
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