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    How to Grow Baby’s Breath — Gypsophila

    Gypsophila–commonly called baby’s breath–bears clouds of tiny white flowers in summer. They are prized by flower arrangers. They are a beautiful addition to flower beds, cutting gardens, and large containers. Baby’s breaths belong to the genus Gypsophila. There are about 100 species, both annuals, and perennials. Perennial Gypsophila is shrub-like plants bearing minutely branched wiry […] More

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    How to Grow Geum

    Geum is a perennial grown for its brightly colored globular or cup-shaped flowers in shades of white, yellow, red, and orange. They are a vibrant addition to the front of an herbaceous border or large rock garden. Geum blooms throughout the summer. Flowers can be single, semi-double, or double. Blooms appear above handsome foliage, leaves […] More

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    How to Grow Cranesbill — Geranium

    Geranium species, commonly called hardy geraniums, true geraniums, or cranesbills, are long-lived perennials that produce mounds of foliage and loose clusters of five-petaled cup- or saucer-shaped flowers. True geraniums are different from common garden geraniums, which are properly called pelargoniums. Hardy, true geraniums, once established, are easy to grow and thrive with little care. They […] More

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    How to Grow Gentian — Gentiana

    Gentiana, commonly called Gentian, are commonly grown for their rich shades of true blue flowers, but there are some gentians in shades of violet, yellow, white, and red. Gentiana are perennials; many are grown in beds and borders, very small species are prized by rock garden enthusiasts. Most, but not all, Gentiana can be difficult […] More

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    How to Grow Fleabane — Erigeron

    Erigeron–commonly called fleabane–is a low-growing, somewhat bushy North American native that bears flowers that looks like small asters. Erigeron is easy to grow in nearly all well-drained soils.  Erigeron produces a rosette of simple, lance- to spoon-shaped or oval leaves. The daisy-like flowers are single or double and consist of many narrow ray florets (petals) […] More

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    How to Grow Leopard’s Bane — Doronicum

    Doronicum, commonly called leopard’s bane, is a perennial that bears yellow, daisy-like flower heads in spring. Plants are deciduous and go dormant in summer after blooming. Doronicum grows from tubers. The flowerheads are composed of many ray florets—petals—surrounding slightly dome-shaped yellow centers which consist of densely packed disc florets. Flowers appear one per stem. Overplant […] More

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    How to Grow Basket-of-Gold — Aurinia

    Aurinia–commonly called basket-of-gold–forms low-growing dense clusters of tiny golden yellow flowers. Basket-of-gold is a small-scale ground cover for border foregrounds and rock gardens. Flowers appear in spring and early summer. Aurinia forms low, tufted rosettes of lance- to spoon-shaped evergreen leaves. Showy, rounded clusters of tiny four-petaled flowers in yellow and white appear above the […] More

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    How to Grow False Rockrose — Aubrieta

    False Rockrose, Aubrieta, is a mat-forming groundcover often seen spilling over rock walls or in rock gardens. It forms a beautiful blanket of tiny bright purple to pink flowers in spring. Aubrieta is a low-growing perennial of the Mustard family. You will find various spellings of the name; it has also been spelled Aubrietia. Aubrieta […] More

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    How to Grow Boltonia

    Boltonia is a tall, late-season blooming perennial. It is a North American native wildflower that is often grown in gardens. It is a good choice for a colorful background plant in flower borders. Boltonia is a bushy, strongly upright plant covered with a profusion of small yellow-centered white, pink, or blue daisies. It blooms from […] More

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    How to Grow Brunnera

    Brunnera produces sprays of small blue or white flowers nestled among handsome, coarse leaves in spring. The blooms look like tiny forget-me-nots. Brunnera is a hardy perennial that make a good ground cover.  It grows and flowers best in dappled shade in hot summer regions. In cool-summer regions it can be planted in full sun. […] More

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    How to Grow Lady’s Mantle — Alchemilla

    Alchemilla–commonly called Lady’s Mantle– is a low-growing perennial with chartreuse blooms and rounded pale green lobed leaves that hold beads of sparkling morning dew on their surface. Commonly called lady’s mantle is often used as an edging plant or groundcover in shady places. Alchemilla is a genus of low-growing, evergreen perennials of the Rose family. […] More