Gardening Tips
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in Gardening Tips, Plant
Grow Tomatoes on Stakes
Grow tomatoes on stakes to ripen fruits earlier than plants that are not staked. Grow tomatoes on stakes to keep fruit cleaner and easier to spot at harvest. You can grow almost twice as many staked tomatoes in a given area than if you let plants grow unstaked or in cages. Tomatoes grown on stakes […] More
6 Easy Steps to Grow Organic Potatoes
Organic potatoes are a great addition to any home garden. Not only are they packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but they also provide a unique and flavorful cooking experience. Growing organic potatoes in your home garden is both rewarding and easy as long as you are well-versed in how to grow potatoes. Here are […] More
Growing Bulb Onions: Pick the Right Variety for Your Garden
Bulb onions are particular about where they grow. Onion bulb development is highly dependent on daylight and temperature. Not all onions will form bulbs where you live. You must pick the right onion variety for your garden if you are growing onions for bulbs. Onion bulb formation is triggered by the number of summer daylight […] More
How to Grow Onion Sets
Onion sets are small, dry onion bulbs grown the previous season but not allowed to mature. Grow your own onion sets from seed. It is not difficult, does not require much time, and can put you ahead in both time and money. Planted in the second season onion sets produce an early crop of bulb […] More
Spring Outdoor Seed-Sowing Schedule
Vegetable seeds can be sown outdoors directly in the garden as soon as the soil is workable in spring. Here’s a test for workable soil: squeeze a handful of soil in the palm of your hand; when you open your hand if the soil remains a cold, wet clump, it is not workable. You should […] More
Starting Vegetables Indoors: 15 Varieties for Success
Starting vegetable seeds indoors will give you a head start on the growing season–extend your growing season–and make your garden more productive. Starting seeds indoors eliminates one of the biggest unpredictables of vegetable gardening–poor outdoor germination conditions. Light, temperature, water, nutrients, and spacing are planned and regulated indoors; seeds find it much easier to grow […] More
How Vegetables Are Pollinated
Vegetables are pollinated in two ways: self-pollination and cross-pollination. Self-pollinators are plants that produce flowers that are usually fertilized by their own pollen, commonly when the male and female flower parts are contained within the same flower. Cross pollinators are plants with flowers that require pollen from another flower (a male flower on the same […] More
in Gardening Tips, Plant, Tips
Small Vegetable Garden Space Savers
Space must be conserved in every possible way in a small vegetable garden. Here are five tips for getting the most out of a small garden: Vertical growing Garden vertically as much as you can. Use the up-and-down space in your garden and conserve your ground space. Use a single square foot of your garden […] More
Summer Vegetable Harvest Tips
Pick summer vegetables when they are young and tender—bigger is not tastier. Check crops daily. Whenever possible eat summer vegetables the day you pick them. Vegetables ready for picking commonly have a shiny, healthy look. Pick most vegetables when they reach usable size. Don’t delay the harvest simply to grow bigger crops — flavor will […] More
in Gardening Tips, Soil
Cover Crops and Green Manure for the Vegetable Garden
Cover crop, green manure crop, and catch crop are three interchangeable terms to describe crops that feed, build, and protect the soil and attract and feed beneficial insects and soil microorganisms. Cover crops are planted to cover planting beds and enrich the soil. When a cover crop is turned under to decay and to feed […] More
in Fruits, Gardening Tips
Bare-Root Fruit Trees and Vines: From Planting to Harvest
Bare root trees and vines are field grown, then dug during the winter when they are dormant. They are stored and shipped with all the soil removed from the roots–bare root. Bare root trees and vines are usually less expensive than those sold in containers. Young trees and vines without soil weigh less and are […] More
How to Start a Vegetable Garden
Starting a vegetable garden can be fun and an inexpensive way to bring healthy food to your kitchen table. But it can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. The secret to getting started with vegetable gardening is to take a little time to make a plan. Take a look at your yard […] More