Some annuals and perennials are well adapted to growing in part shade. Part shade is also sometimes described as filtered shade, dappled shade, and intermittent shade.
Plants that grow and thrive in part shade are typically understory plants, that is plants found under open-branched trees. These plants are also a good choice for planting in the shade of buildings and structures, often on the east side of a building where morning sun falls. Part shade plants may not do well when morning shade turns into direct afternoon sun.
Part shade plants generally prefer to stay cool.
Prepare the planting area for part shade plants by preparing the ground deeply and adding or replacing the soil with large quantities of acid soil amendments (most part shade plants are acid loving). Check the soil to be sure it does not stay soggy. Where the soil is dry, mulch around part shade plants to conserve soil moisture.

Annuals and Perennials for Part Shade
A-C Common Name | Botanical Name | Zones |
Agapanthus | Agapanthus spp. | 8-10 |
Ajuga, Bugleweed | Ajuga spp. | 3-9 |
Amethyst flower | Browallia speciosa | Annual |
Begonia, hardy | Begonia grandis | 6-10 |
Begonia, wax | Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum | Annual |
Brunnera, heart-leaf | Dicentra spp. | 3-9 |
Cardinal flower | Lobelia spp. | 2-9 |
Columbine | Aquilegia spp. | 3-9 |
Coral bells | Heuchera sanguinea | 3-9 |
Corydalis | Corydalis spp. | 4-8 |
Cupflower | Nierembergia spp. | Annual |
Cyclamen, hardy | Cyclamen hederifolium | 7-9 |

D-G Common Name | Botanical Name | Zones |
Daylily | Hemerocallis spp. | 3-10 |
Dead nettle, spotted | Lamium maculatum | 3-9 |
Ferns | Various | Varies |
Flowering tobacco | Nicotiana spp. | Annual |
Foam Flower, Allegheny | Tiarella cordifolia | 4-9 |
Forget-me-not, Chinese | Cynogolssum amabile | Annual |
Forget-me-not, Woodland | Myosotis sylvatica | Annual |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | 4-8 |
Fuchsia | Fuchsia spp. | 8-10 |
Geranium, hardy | Geranium spp. | 3-8 |
Goatsbeard | Aruncus dioicus | 3-7 |
Goldenstar | Chrysogonum virginianum | 5-9 |

H-O Common Name | Botanical Name | Zones |
Hellebore | Helleborus spp. | 5-9 |
Kafir lily; clivia | Clivia miniata | 9-11 |
Lady’s mantle | Alchemilla mollis | 4-7 |
Lily-of-the-valley | Convallaria majalis | 3-8 |
Lilyturf | Liriope muscari | 7-10 |
Mimulus | Mimulus x hybridus | Annual |
Mondo grass | Ophiopogon japonicus | 7-9 |
Money plant; honesty | Lunaria annua | 4-8 |
Monkshood | Acontium spp. | 3-7 |
Obedient plant | Physostegia virginiana | 2-9 |

P-Z Common Name | Botanical Name | Zones |
Pansy | Viola x wittrockiana | Annual |
Phlox, creeping | Phlox stolonifera | 2-4 |
Primrose | Primula spp. | 3-8 |
Queen-of-the-prairie | Filipendula rubra | 3-8 |
Salvia, annual red | Salvia splendens | Annual |
Sweet alyssum | Lobularia maritima | Annual |
Trillium | Trillium spp. | 4-8 |
Turtlehead, pink | Chelone lyonii | 3-8 |
Vinca, periwinkle | Vinca spp. | Varies |
Violet | Viola spp. | Varies |
Wishbone flower | Torenia fournieri | Annual |
Also of interest:
Annuals and Perennials for Shade