Tecomaria–commonly called cape honeysuckle–is a large evergreen vine or many-branched shrub that bears showy clusters of bright orange to red, trumpet-shaped flowers from summer through early winter. Tecomaria grows as a climbing shrub that sometimes in frost-free regions can become the size of a small tree.
Tecomaria is native to South Africa where it grows in frost-free coastal regions. It is also found from southern California to Argentina. It is often used as a clipped or sprawling shrub on slopes. It can be trained onto a trellis or espaliered.
Tecomaria grows 6 to 22 feet (2-7m) tall or more. It will become well-established quickly when given regular deep watering.
Tecomaria is a genus of 12 species of evergreen climbers or scrambling shrubs. Tecomaria is synonymous with the genus Tecoma.
Get to know Tecomaria
- Plant type: Evergreen climber, scrambling shrub
- Growing zones and range: Zones 10-15
- Hardiness: Hardy to Zone 10
- Height and width: 6 to 22 feet (2-7m) tall, 3 to 10 feet (1-3m) wide
- Foliage: Ovate-oblong to rounded leaves
- Flowers: Narrowly bell- to funnel-shaped, 5-lobed, yellow, orange, or red flowers in dense terminal racemes
- Bloom time: Summer
- Uses: Scrambling plant, specimen
- Common name: Cape honeysuckle
- Botanical name: Tecomaria, syn. Tecoma
- Family name: Bignoniaceae
- Origin: South Africa, southern United States to Argentina

Where to plant Tecomaria
- Plant Tecomaria in full sun.
- Plant Tecomaria in humus-rich, moist, but well-drained soil.
When to plant Tecomaria
- Set container-grown Tecomaria in the garden in spring or autumn.
Planting and spacing Tecomaria
- Space Tecomaria 10 to 15 feet apart.
How to water and feed Tecomaria
- Water Tecomaria to keep the soil just moist during the growing season; water sparingly in winter.
- Fertilize Tecomaria with a half-strength balanced liquid fertilizer monthly.
Tecomaria care
- Scrambling species can be trained over an arbor.
Growing Tecomaria as a houseplant
- Tecomaria can be grown in a large pot in a cool or temperate greenhouse.
Tecomaria pests and diseases
- Spider mites can attack Tecomaria.

Tecomaria propagation
- Sow Tecomaria seed in spring.
- Root semi-ripe cuttings with bottom heat in summer.
- Layer Tecomaria in spring or autumn.
Tecomaria varieties to grow
- Tecomaria capensis, Cape honeysuckle. Erect, scrambling evergreen shrub; bears slender, tubular orange to scarlet flowers; elliptic-ovate mid to dark green lustrous leaves; grows 6 to 22 feet tall.
- T. stans, trumpet bush, yellow bells, yellow elder. Ascending, large shrub; grows 15 to 28 feet long; funnel-shaped, bright yellow flowers in terminal racemes from late winter to summer; pinnate leaves are bright green.