How to Grow Cytisus — Broom

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Cytisus are fast-growing shrubs that bear an abundance of 1-inch or smaller pea-shape, often fragrant blossoms, mostly yellow but some are orange, red, or cream-colored.. Members of the Cytisus genus are commonly called brooms.

Cytisus range from small shrubs to small trees; most have a graceful spreading with slender, arching branches. Low-spreading Cytisus can be used as ground covers; larger species are suited for borders and informal hedges.

Cytisus flowers are borne singly or in clusters. Flowers resemble pea flowers with five petals.

Cytisus are short-lived, lasting tend years or so before they become leggy and thin.

Get to Know Cytisus

  • Plant type: Deciduous spring-blooming shrub
  • Growing Zones and range: 6-8
  • Hardiness: Half-hardy
  • Height and width: Varies by cultivar from 24-inches to 15 feet tall
  • Foliage: Simple mid-green leaves
  • Flowers: Usually yellow, but also white, red, or maroon
  • Bloom time: Spring until autumn
  • Uses: Grows well in windy and seashore conditions; good for erosion control
  • Common name: Broom, genista
  • Botanical name: Cytisus spp.
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Origin: Europe, Asian Minor, North Africa
Cytisus broom
Cytisus scoparius, the common broom or Scotch broom

Where to Plant Cytisus

  • Plant Cytisus in full sun.
  • Plant Cytisus in average garden soil, Cytisus will grow in poor, sandy, rocky soil.

When to Plant Cytisus

  • Set container-grown Cytisus in the garden in spring.
  • Sow seed of species in spring.

Planting and Spacing Cytisus

  • Space Cytisus 12 to 15 feet ((3.6-4.5m) apart.

How to Water and Feed Cytisus

  • Cytisus needs moderate moisture at first; once established Cytisus is drought-tolerant.
  • Cytisus does not need fertilizer.

Cytisus Care

  • Cytisus does not need to be pruned in naturalistic settings. Cut stems back by one-third right after blooms.
  • Cytisus can be invasive; remove any new plants not wanted.
  • Cytisus is seldom bothered by diseases and pests.

Cytisus Pruning

  • Cytisus blooms on the previous year’s wood; prune immediately after bloom time to avoid cutting into old wood.
  • Cytisus need little pruning apart from keeping it in bounds and light shaping. Cytisus blooms more profusely if left unpruned.

Cytisus Propagation

  • Raise species from seed sown in spring. Cultivars do not grow true from seed.
  • Root semi-ripe-wood cuttings in midsummer and semi-ripe cutting in late summer

Cytisus Varieties to Grow

  • Cytisus battandieri, Atlas broom: Semievergreen shrub grows 12 to 15 feet (3.6-4.5m)ll and as wide; can train as a small treed; fragrant, clear yellow flowers in spikelike clusters.
  • C. x praecox, Warminster broom: Compact growth 3 to 5 feet (.9-1.5m) tall and wide; mounding mass of pale yellow to creamy white flowers in spring; use as an informal screen or hedge; is widely grown and is hardy in Zones 6-9.
  • C. scoparius, Scotch broom: Evergreen can row to 10 feet (3m) tall; golden-yellow flowers; aggressive grower; species is invasive in the West; several named cultivars are less aggressive, low growing, and more colorful including ‘Burkwoodii’, ‘Carla’, ‘Dorothy Walpole’, ‘Lena’, ‘Lilac Time’, ‘Moonlight’, ‘St. Mary’s’, ‘San Francisco’, and ‘Stanford.’

Written by Stephen Albert

Stephen Albert is a horticulturist, master gardener, and certified nurseryman who has taught at the University of California for more than 25 years. He holds graduate degrees from the University of California and the University of Iowa. His books include Vegetable Garden Grower’s Guide, Vegetable Garden Almanac & Planner, Tomato Grower’s Answer Book, and Kitchen Garden Grower’s Guide. His Vegetable Garden Grower’s Masterclass is available online. has more than 10 million visitors each year.

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