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    Aphids Organic Pest Control


    Aphids are small, pear-shaped, soft-bodied insects. There are many species of aphids ranging in color from green to pink to black to dusty gray or white with a fluffy coating. Aphids are 1/32 to 1/8 inch in length. Nymphs are similar to adults. Aphids live in colonies. They are slow-moving and usually are found in […] More

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    Colorado Potato Beetle Organic Pest Control

    Colorado potato beetle striped

    The Colorado potato beetle attacks potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes skeletonizing leaves and defoliating plants. Horticultural cloth draped over plants will exclude beetles from reaching plants to lay eggs and feed, diatomaceous earth will destroy larvae, and the botanical poisons pyrethrum and rotenone can kill heavy infestations of adult beetles. However, where Colorado potato beetles […] More

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    Spittlebug Organic Pest Control


    Spittlebugs are the nymphs of insects called froghoppers. Adult froghoppers are small oval- to triangular-shaped insects ¼ to ½ inch in length. The adults can be green, tan, brown, or black. They can jump as much as 100 times their height, giving them the name froghoppers. They can also fly. Many species of froghopper resemble […] More

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    Flea Beetle Organic Pest Control

    Flea beetles

    The flea beetle is a shiny black insect 1/10 of an inch long. Some species have yellow or white curved stripes the length of the body. Flea beetles hop like fleas when disturbed. Flea beetles are particularly attracted to stressed plants; plants that are nutrient weak or underwatered. They also feed on the tender leaves […] More

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    Houseplant Problem Solver

    Houseplants are usually quick to adapt to their environment. When they don’t it’s usually because of extremes of light, temperature, and humidity. Even in the best home, houseplants can fall prey to natural enemies like insect pests and disease-causing fungi and bacteria. The quicker you recognize the distress, the quicker you can correct the problem. […] More

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    10 Natural Ways to Control Garden Pests and Diseases

    There are natural, organic ways to control pest and disease problems in the garden. These techniques have proven effective over hundreds and even thousands of years. Today these techniques are often called Integrated Pest Management (IPM) or Organic Pest Management (OPM). Fundamental to IPM or OPM is close observation—meaning getting into the garden often. Early […] More