Goldenstar, Chrysogonum, is also known as green and gold. It is a low-growing perennial groundcover with dark green leaves and bright golden blooms. Goldenstar is attractive under the shade of trees and shrubs and in woodland gardens.
Chrysogonum flowers have five rays and resemble stars. Bloom is heavy in spring and fall, but sporadic through the summer. Plant Chrysogonum in full sun in cooler summer regions; plant in part shade in hot summer regions.
Chrysogonum spreads via runners; new plants can be started in spring by cutting off and relocating rooted runners.

Get to know Chrysogonum
- Plant type: Perennial groundcover
- Growing Zones and range: 5-8; native to woodlands of eastern North America
- Hardiness: Evergreen in mild winters; will survive chilly winters if mulched; flowers are prolific where the weather is cool.
- Height and width: 8”- 12” tall (20-30cm); 12”- 24” wide
- Form: Low growing groundcover forms rosettes of oval, deep green, slightly hairy leaves.
- Flowers: Star-shaped five-petaled golden flowers
- Bloom time: Spring, off and on in summer
- Uses: Groundcover for shady spots, woodland garden plant, wildflower garden, near ponds
- Botanical name: Chrsogonum virginianum
- Common name: Goldenstar, Green-and-Gold
Where to plant Chrysogonum
- Chrysogonum grows best in moist, shady spots. Grow in full sun in Zones 5-6. Grow in full shade in Zones 7-9. The cooler the climate the more sun Chrysogonum can take.
- Grow gChrysogonum in humus-rich, moist soil that is slightly acidic.

When to plant Chrysogonum
- Plant container-grown Chrysogonum in spring or fall.
- Sow seed in spring. Sow seed 1/8 inch deep.
Planting and spacing Chrysogonum
- Space Chrysogonum 12 to 24 inches (30-61cm) apart.
How to water and feed Chrysogonum
- Chrysogonum grows best in moist soil; do not let the soil dry out. Goldenstar must have ample moisture if grown in the sun.
- Fertilize Chrysogonum occasionally with an all-purpose fertilizer.
Chrysogonum care
- Mulch Chrysogonum in winter especially in Zone 5-6.
- Divide Chrysogonum in spring every 3 or so years as needed.
- Chrysogonum may reseed itself.
- Chrysogonum is prone to mildew if it gets too little sun.
Chrysogonum propagation
- Propagate by division in spring or fall; runners can be cut away and replanted.
- The plant spreads quickly by underground runners and prostrate stems that root where they touch the soil.
- Sow seed in autumn in a cold frame or in spring outdoors.
Chrysogonum varieties to grow
- Chrysogonum virginianum, golden star: Native to the eastern United States; attractive groundcover; grows to 8 inches tall and spreads freely; bright yellow flower heads resemble a start; cultivar ‘Allen Bush’ has bright yellow flowers and is long blooming.